Clever Facebook Status Quotes & Sayings

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Face book is a killer application these days and is becoming popular day by day. Almost every person has an account of face book these days. Every user’s face book account has a wall where he can share what’s on his mind and any of his thoughts and ideas. When it comes to a face book status, you can simply come up with anything entirely. It is your space and you can use it to full liberty. When it comes to a face book status, people always try to come up with some intelligent punches and thoughts which directly hit the nail on the head and arouse interest in the minds of others who come across it. A clever face book status is witty and accurate and awakens interest in the minds of those who read it. The end goal of every person is to win maximum “likes” or acclamations for the status. According to Ronald Reagan, “Status quo, you know, is Latin for 'the mess we're in'.”



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