Drugs Quotes & Sayings

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Drugs are substances, used as medicines. Drugs also refer to illegal substances that are taken for the effects that it has on the body. Drugs make you feel high. Drugs, such as Viagra, are consumed for sexual arousal. Drugs make a person completely shattered and should not be consumed unless advised by a doctor. Drugs are used by sportspersons illegally for the sake of providing them with immense reserves of energy, which helps in automatic performance enhancement. Sportspersons are subjected to a doping test to ensure that they haven’t consumed any illegal substance for improving their performance. In the words of Kurt Cobain , “Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self-esteem. Drugs, should be kept at arm’s length, until and unless they are prescribed for consumption by any doctor. Addiction to drugs may prove quite fatal and a drug addict is often sent to rehabilitation centres, to give up on drugs consumption.


Malika E Nura

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