Efficiency Quotes & Sayings

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Efficiency means the tendency of working well, without wasting time, money and resources. Building efficiency at work comes with practice; because it is only practice that makes a man perfect. Efficiency means precision, accuracy and dexterity in the particular task which is at hand. According to Peter Drucker, "Efficiency is doing things right; Effectiveness is doing the right things." Efficiency is always called for, at work. Every organisation demands dexterous and efficient people who maximise the throughput and act as a boon for the organisation. Efficiency can be acquired by regular practise and hard work. Becoming efficient at a job increases your chances of success tremendously. In the context of sports and winning games, Pat Riley had remarked the following lines. Quote verbatim, "A particular shot or way of moving the ball can be a player's personal signature, but efficiency of performance is what wins the game for the team.”


Anurag Prakash Ray

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