Nixon Quotes & Sayings

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Richard Nixon was the 37th president of the United States and held office from 1969 to 1974. He also served as the vice president from 1953 to 1961 and has the unique distinction of being both vice president and president during different years. Basically, a lawyer, he slowly saw a gradual lift in his career when he was commissioned into the United States Navy and in 1942, to be promoted to lieutenant commander three years later. After World War II, he took keen interest in politics and ran a seat for the House of Representatives and there was no looking back for him thence, till he became the president of the United States. Though his career graph was gradually climbing, it was marred by his bad reputation on Vietnam War and the Water Gate scandal. There are several quotes by Nixon and on Nixon given by various political leaders of his era and here is a collection of those.

Nixon Subtopics

Senator John Kerry

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