Old Age Quotes & Sayings

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Old age comes to all, it is unstoppable but the intelligence lies in how we tackle it and welcome it. This quote that says “old age is the most unexpected of all things that can happen to a man” is ironical. Only in old age, we retire ourselves and lean back to think of the past, our mistakes, our success and our accomplishments. Old age brings out the essential characteristics of man. If we prepare our minds to give up small pleasures, adjust with the younger generation, there will be no issues and regrets in old age. Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don’t matter age, it does not matter, say some people. So, keep busy always and do not think of old age. If you are young, have great consideration for the old because you are also sure to attain that age one day, not quite far away. Here are numerous quotes on old age given by the experienced. To sum up, here is a beautiful quote ‘it’s not how old you are, but how you are old’



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