Actions Speak Louder Than Words Quotes & Sayings

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An act goes much farther than a word will ever travel. Even when someone is silent, in different situations this silence is a communicator of a message. Instead of relying on words to make a change or a difference in the world, we must instead rely on actions for the most part. As Mariah Edgeworth quoted " There is no moment like the present. The man who will not execute his resolutions when they are fresh upon him can have no hope from them afterwards: they will be dissipated, lost, and perish in the hurry and scurry of the world, or sunk in the slough of indolence." Be sure to remember that who you are to the world isn't what you say you are, but is instead who you act as. Choose to commit actions, instead of just talking about them. Set goals, and make plans for your life, and never hesitate to go after them.


Floyd Mayweather

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