Be Led By Your Dreams
More often than not we are pushed and swayed by our problems, and are greatly influenced into following a path that we know would generate the least resistance, instead of keeping our eyes on the prize and going after what we dream of achieving. I am here to tell you today not to be swayed by tough times.

Don't let a rough day at work influence you to quit before you know you don't have any other options. Don't let your boyfriend or girlfriend talk you into cutting out your dreams in life in order to make sure that they will stick by you, because if they really loved you they would stick by you no matter what. Don't let unexpected challenges or circumstances, which arise in everyone's life, deter you from your goals and aspirations.

Let your dreams guide you. When things start to get hard, and when you feel like giving up everything, remember what you are doing it for, remember your dreams, and use them as motivation to keep going.

Love Life
Love life. Love the people in your life. Live how you want. Never give up on your dreams, they are all you got. -Garrett Nickelsen
Even through all of its stresses, challenges, and difficulties, love your life. Think about the good rather than the bad, and when it seems to be all bad, think about the good in the bad that you are experiencing. Love the people in your life, show care, selflessness, and compassion to those that you love, and those who you feel may be in your life for the remainder of it. Live how you want, only you know what you truly want out of life.
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Dream Big, It's The First Step To Success
Dream big, it's the first step to success.
Our dreams are the one thing in life that help to get us where we know deep in our hearts that we want to be. It is easy to get sucked in into the hardships and difficulty level of life, and just think about keeping our heads above water. When in actuality we should not only be trying to tread water, but instead we should be learning how to swim and maneuver through the water so that we may be able to go wherever we need to go.
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Having The Courage To Pursue Your Dreams
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. - Walt Disney
Pursuing a dream can be one of the most difficult things in life to do. Many of us may think that we are bound by the realities of life, instead of seeing them as obstacles in life that can be overcome. Walt Disney himself faced many challenges in the creation of his empire, and in the beginning the creation of Disney's empire looked very bleak. With a mountainous load of hard work, dedication, and perseverance, Walt Disney created a successful empire that is even more affluent than when he was even alive and well to see it.
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Finding Your Dreams
Dreams... when truth and desire meet, dreams are born.
When we establish our dreams we must first be true to the person that we are at heart. In essence we have to take a good look at ourselves and determine the things in life that we are most passionate about, and use those things to help us create our dreams. Without being true to ourselves we will not even have the desire to pursue a dream.

Being truthful to ourselves requires everyone to take an examination of who we are at heart. It requires one to find his or her likes or dislikes, and his or her strengths and weaknesses, and last but not least what interests us the most, and what interests us the least, in order to manipulate a plan for our lives, that with the help of God, we will enjoy, and be most fulfilled from.
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Follow Your Dreams And Never Look Back
What takes us back to the past.. are the memories. What brings us forward.. is our dreams.
The only things that should take us back to the past are the memories we made with the people that were in our lives in our pasts. What should bring us forward are our own dreams for our future. In order to set legitimate, and real goals for our future we must in a sense, forget about the past. We can't let mistakes or regrets from our pasts drive us forward in our lives.
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Reaching For A Dream
Dream and reach for it.
One of the most beautiful structures in the World, was the realized dream of an engineer in his mid 50's by the name of Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel. As the winner of a contest for a structure in France to commemorate 100 years of freedom, Eiffel's dream met many obstacles including opposition from those who didn't want a structure of the Eiffel Tower to dominate the skyline and from those who doubted that this structure could even practically be built.
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Getting Your Hands Dirty
The future belongs to the few of us still willing to get our hands dirty.
When is the last time you got your hands dirty? This picture quote makes us reexamine how hard we are actually working in our lives. A lot of times we get comfortable working at the pace we are working and we fail to realize that with some extra pushing we would have advanced way farther than just working at the same monotonous pace. Other times we get lazy, relying on what's being sold to us as a quicker route to the road of success, or an easy way out. Deep down we all know that no such route is truly available (at the least for most of us).
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Love Is Power, Hope Is Love
Soul is Freedom. Love is Power. Hope is Love. Dreams are Revolutions...
This is a very deep quote, and it is also very true to humanity. Our souls, who we are deep down at our core, give us the freedom to be one sole person, so unique that in a world full of billions of people, there is no one quite like ourselves. The love we have for ourselves and others, gives us fuel and motivation to succeed in life, to advance to places where we may have never even dreamed, and to accomplish goals we set that we never actually knew if we could accomplish or not.
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Apr 24
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