Don't Give Up
Thinking about giving up? There are many reasons why we should never take the easy way out and here are a few:

Giving up will never allow you to achieve your dream. As long as you are alive the potential to reach your dream is still out there, don't let your difficulties discourage you, use the negative energy to fuel your positive gain!

Try proving something to yourself. Sure there are people around that doubt you, and may even have you doubting yourself, it's time to prove to yourself and everyone else that not only you are a dreamer, but that you are a go getter, a person who is willing to work hard to accomplish your goals!

What you have done has been done before! Okay maybe not what you are doing specifically, but the whole progression of humans as a species is basically a reward of hard work, and the overcoming of different obstacles in order to achieve a goal. We all have difficulties and hard times on the road to achieving a dream, the true test of a man is how many times he is able to get up after he falls, not how many times he can fall!

Don't Just Wait, Make It Happen
Don't just wait. Make it happen.
Ever hear that good things come to those who wait? Sometimes this is true, but it is also true that greater things are received by those who are willing to go get them. Without being willing to go for what you want in life you are limited to receiving what life will hand you, instead of receiving what you worked hard for. In order to go for what you want out of life you must first plan.
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Keeping A Positive Attitude
Although the world is full of suffering it is also full of the overcoming of it.
The world is a mysterious place full of troubles, obstacles, challenges, hard times, ghettos, those without, but we must also take time to think of the success stories that the world has produced as well. It is a little known fact that a lot of millionaires were not even college graduates, some not even high school graduates. Sam Walton grew up in middle class America and grew his chain of stores into a billion dollar chain, of what we now call Wal-Mart.
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Fall Seven Times Stand Up Eight
Fall seven times, stand up eight.
The hardest time to recoup is when we are at the bottom. It is hard to get up again when we feel that we may have lost everything we have, or when we may have failed for what we thought was the last time. Remember that you aren't the only person in the world that has fallen. We have all encountered major challenges, come worse than what you may even be going through right now.
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It's Ok To Fall, Just Get Back Up
You may see me struggle but you will never see me fall.
Whether we choose to believe it or not some people in and around our lives don't want to see us succeed, and only want to see us fall. Usually people who wish ill will upon you like this are those who are envious of who you are, what you have, or what you are capable of doing. We may be proud but truthfully, we will all make mistakes, we will all fail, and yes we will all fall.
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Keeping Hope Alive
Everything is going to be alright, maybe not today but eventually.
Sometimes when it seems as if everything that could possibly go wrong is going wrong, we feel that we will be stuck in this negative, downtrodden rut forever. Sure the sun stops shining sometimes, and we may get a huge thunderstorm or two, but eventually the sun will come out to shine again. It is all a matter of us staying as positive as possible in order to make it to see the sunshine.
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Listening To Your Heart
My mind tells me to give up but my heart wont let me.
Having heart is a trait that can be learned, and requires a person to step outside their comfort zone and to have the utmost courage to do whatever is the right thing to do. A lot of times we may feel like we don't have what we need to keep pushing forward, and having heart is fighting these feelings of giving up, pushing forward, and overcoming the obstacles and challenges in our way.
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Getting Your Hands Dirty
The future belongs to the few of us still willing to get our hands dirty.
When is the last time you got your hands dirty? This picture quote makes us reexamine how hard we are actually working in our lives. A lot of times we get comfortable working at the pace we are working and we fail to realize that with some extra pushing we would have advanced way farther than just working at the same monotonous pace. Other times we get lazy, relying on what's being sold to us as a quicker route to the road of success, or an easy way out. Deep down we all know that no such route is truly available (at the least for most of us).
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Choices In Life
When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.
Whenever we have trials and tribulations in our life we can let those things become us, kill us or overcome them and be strengthened for our future forever. A lot of times we are confronted with problems and are easily discouraged. Some of us have the nature of seeing obstacles in our way and electing to let those obstacles stop us from progressing, and settling in the position we are in. Whenever we start to feel this way we must stop and analyze our thinking immediately, and seek encouragement.
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Try Your Very Best Before Giving Up
Never give up until you've given out all your very best. It's better to fail trying than wondering what could have happened if you tried.
All of the great historical icons in all parts of the world were at sometime faced with giving up. Michael Jordan could have given up basketball when he was cut from his high school basketball team, and not have brought to fruition the greatest basketball career of any single person. Helen Keller could have given up as she was blind and deaf, but instead she had one of the most successful careers as a writer ever, and her story has inspired people all over the world. Not giving up may be one of the hardest challenges in life to overcome, even when a situation may seem like it is a lost cause.
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Anything Worth Having Is Worth Fighting For
Anything you truly want must be worth fighting for.
To determine our goals and aspirations in life we must truly be concerned with what ignites passion into our lives. A lot of us in this world work jobs making enough money to live off of and to survive, not even thinking about making plans, or setting goals to achieve and accomplish what may be in our dreams. It is important to remember to not let our circumstances keep us away from our dreams, no matter what they may be.
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