Don't Lose Yourself Trying To Find Someone
If a person doesn't yet know who they are to themselves, chances are developing a strong relationship with them may hold you back as a friend if you allow for it to do so.

People who are unsure of who they are in their own lives, will also be unsure of who they are in yours.

Think twice about who and what you are allowing to dominate your life. We often get so involved in the lives of others that we forget about ourselves and our own desires.

One lesson that we must all discover in our lives is that the more we find ourselves the more friends we will lose. Your life isn't something that should be lived in the hopes of trying to please the people around you. It should be lived in the manner that helps you become the best you!

Be great, don't be afraid to grow on without people.

Never Lie To Someone That Trusts You
Never lie to someone that trusts you. Never trust someone that lied to you.
When you tell the truth you build trust in your relationships with others. And when you lie you destroy all of the trust that you built up within that relationship.
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The Greatest Achievement For Any Human Being
The greatest achievement for any human being is to love God, yourself, and others.
Love thyself. In the same ways that you hope others show kindness to you, show it to yourself. The same ways that you wish for others to love you, you must first love yourself. In the same ways that you wish people will respect who you are as a person, respect yourself.
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Not Everyone Is Meant To Stay
Cutting people out of your life doesn't mean you hate them, it simply means you respect yourself. Not everyone is meant to stay.
Not every relationship will end in the manner you expected it to. Relationships in our society aren't seen like they used to be. Due to a variety of circumstances, people are becoming less and less apt to sticking with each other in friendly and romantic relationships for long lengths of time. In no way should we feel that our relationships with others will all be short lived but unless we desire to waste time, we have to fully invest in the people who are truly for us the same way that we are for them.
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Qualities Of A Real Friendship
A real friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
Never take friendship for granted, because it isn't at all just fun and games. Friendship is about being there to help uplift people who need our support in the different circumstances of life.
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Love Is Finding Someone You Can't Live Without
Love isn't finding someone to live with. It's finding someone you can't live without.
Many people wonder around for years and years trying to find the quickest ways to be successful not knowing that ultimately, you can't cheat life. There is no substitute for hard work when it comes to arriving at the destination of real success.
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Best Friends Are People Who Make Your Problems Their Problems
Best friends are the people who make their problems your problems so you won't have to go at them alone.
Having a best friend is one of life's blessings. Because it is those who have support in the roughest times, that are able to get up and keep moving. Many of us simply could never be able to make it without the love and support that best friends are able to provide.
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Hard Times Will Always Reveal True Friends
Hard times will always reveal true friends.
Are your friends there for you when times are hardest? When you are in need do the same people that you help, stick around to help?
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Not Everyone You Lose Is A Loss
Not everyone you lose is a loss.
Learning to love makes us deal with loss in a very upfront way. Many times we try to hold on to love when doing so only digs the hole of despair deeper for our own lives.
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True Friends Give Without Expectations Of Anything In Return
True friendship is a gift that is given without expectation of anything in return. Instead the reward is the friendship itself!
True friendship isn't just one entity itself, it is a whole host of things that we use to measure who we are to others, and who others are to us. Those who your friends are people that you will WIN with, those you overcome with, those who you stick with when times get rough, and those who do the same for you.
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Being Deeply Loved Gives You Strength
Being deeply loved gives you strength, loving deeply gives you courage. -Lao Tzu
It takes a lot more courage to love someone than it does to be loved. Choosing to love means that we are ultimately willing to face the fact that we will have to give a person our trust, and our whole hearts. Very rarely will we go through life giving someone access to the deepest and most private parts of ourselves and not be disappointed by them eventually.
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Apr 24
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