Apologizing Doesn't Mean That You're Wrong
Lets face it, we are all human, and at some point in our lives, we are going to mess up. When your significant other messes up, it's easy to be upset, especially when it feels as though they may not really care as much as you do.

A lot of times if we are just willing to look at a person's body language, and believe what their body language tells us, we can understand and get a good sense of where they are really coming from. A lot of times we can tell a lot from someone who refuses to make eye contact with us, or even when a person shifts their body differently than they normally would when we are around them. These signs are sometimes very small indeed, but if viewed correctly they can be considered tell tale signs of certain problems within a relationship. Of course, as with everything involved in relationships, this may not work in every case, but when it does it is very beneficial to helping to save us from an even further amount of heartache down the line.

Never Give Up Or Lose Faith
Never give up or lose faith in something that you know God has placed in your life. Be patient and remember there is a time for EVERYTHING.
We all experience failure in our life and though failure sucks to experience, it is just an inevitable part of what helps to make life uncomfortable in certain moments. The more that we proceed through life the more that we are faced with the fact that there are going to be instances in which we will have to try things more than once.
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Sometimes You Have To Love The Wrong Person To Find The Right Person
Sometimes we need to know what love feels like when it's wrong before we can truly appreciate it, when it's right.
Life is full of crazy experiences, and this is true especially in our love life's if we take an honest look at them as well. Many times we don't end up with the person that we may have always thought we would end our lives with. Sometimes the first person we love isn't the right fit for us, but he or she is definitely a big teaching tool that we use to gauge our experiences for almost forever.
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Who Your True Friends Are...
You wanna know who your true friends are? Screw up and see who's still there.
A person who is truly with you will never rejoice over your suffering. If you notice that someone always seems to be up because you are down, then chances are they are not really a friend to you. No matter how much we may wish for someone to truly be a positive factor in our life, a lot of times people just have no desire to see us prosper.
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It's Beautiful When Two Strangers Become Best Friends
It's beautiful when two strangers become best friends, it's terribly depressing when two best friends become strangers.
One crazy thing about life is the fact that we never know who is going to be there for us in times that we thought they always would. Sometimes people that you consider your closest friends disappear by your side, while people that you least expect to be there for you, make their way into your life when you need it most.
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Have No Fear Of Perfection, You'll Never Reach It
The pursuit of excellence is gratifying and healthy. The pursuit of perfection is frustrating, neurotic, and a terrible waste of time. -Edwin Bliss
Many grow up with a goal or dream so big that they get lost in perfecting their plan to achieve it. When we start to forget the big picture, especially when pursuing a lifestyle or a huge life goal, we often forget that the importance is achieving the goal, and not exactly trying to do it in the most perfect way.
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Change Your Thoughts, Transform Your Life
Change your thoughts, transform your life.
There is huge power in the words that we speak everyday. Whether we choose to believe it or not, everything about us comes from within first. Every word that we express outwardly, and every view or belief system comes as a result of what we think, which eventually comes out when we verbalize. So, we should make an effort to think and speak in a positive nature, in order to see more positive outcomes in our lives.
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Knowing When To Walk Away
Knowing when to walk away is wisdom. Being able to is courage. Walking away, with your head held high is dignity.
If we want to master the necessary life skill of keeping a positive attitude throughout life's difficulties we have to be willing to be committed remaining positive through every possible situation. Life is much too short to ever try to live negatively, because when we live negatively all we do is sink deeper and closer to death.
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Sometimes When Things Are Falling Apart, They May Actually Be Falling Into
Sometimes when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place.
Those in life who refuse to examine the areas in their lives that continue to weigh them down, or leave them lost, are those who will continue to remain lost. It is only when a person is willing to admit that they need some change that things start to actually change. Many times, change in our lives only requires for us to make a few small tweaks in order to see successful results.
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Small Minds Discuss People
Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
The habits of people who continue to lose in life are much different than the habits of those who experience a lot of winning in life. Success is determined greatly by the attitudes you hold consistently. If you are willing to waste time, watching someone else win, spreading nothing but hateful opinions about them, chances are you won't win much of anything in life your self.
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Never Give Up On What You Really Want To Do
Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts.
Those who are willing to give up are usually going to be those of the majority, while those who are willing to stand-alone are usually those who are more handsomely rewarded. This life is full of many roads, many different opportunities, and many different limitations, because frankly we are all different in a multitude of ways.
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Apr 23
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