Be Kind To Yourself
Too many times in life many of us get caught up in showing love, and being kind to others, that we sometimes forget to show love and to be kind to our own selves. One thing that would help us all greatly is believing in ourselves. Not only are we beautiful individualized creatures of God, we are all so unique from one another, we all have different values and qualities that we emphasize more than others that make us exactly who we are.

We are beautiful, no matter what anyone says, or no matter how any person, organization, or situation tries to make us feel. We are all kings and queens in our own right, and we must choose to wear our invisible crown of individuality everyday with humility and grace. Represent to the world what a winner is and what a winner looks like, exhibit your beautiful personality with confidence, and never forget to count yourself in the next time that you are thinking of all things that are beautiful.

Worry About Your Character Not Your Reputation
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are.
Sometimes we get too caught up in what people think about us and forget to worry about what really matters in life, like the people who love us for who we really are, and who we really are deep down inside of our hearts. In order to not worry about our reputations, we have to live our own lives, being confident in the goals we have set for ourselves, and also being confident in the fact that though not everyone may like us, and though not everyone will believe in what exactly we are doing.
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Be You, Find You, Be Happy With That
Be you. Find you. Be happy with that.
A couple of things in this lifetime that many of us never find before our lives end are our real true selves. Not being able to find one's self, will limit a person in so many ways, mainly because they never get to live life as their self, but also because they can never really live up to their truest potential because they aren't living as whom they really are.
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Apr 19
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