Challenges In Life
In life we will be forced to fight many battles. Sometimes we depend too much on things happening to save us, and sometimes too many things happen to us for us to handle at all. Never let what you are going through in one moment determine what is going to happen for the rest of your lifetime.

For many life is a struggle. And many choose to view life in a negative manner because there always seem to be moments when they either dont have enough, or that they have too much to handle with everything happening at once.

We have to make it a point to work hard at life everyday and to work hard in different areas of our lives on a consistent basis. If we don't we will improve in short stretches, but we will never reach maximum growth because sometimes our growth will stop, until we are willing to give that area even more effort.

Life Is About The Choices We Make
Some people look for a beautiful place, others make a place beautiful.
One great thing about this wonderful life we lead is that we can make from it whatever it is that we want to. If we want to live in a place of comfort without really having to push ourselves to grow, we can. And if we want to aspire for greatness, and if we want to aspire to achieve great dreams we can do that as well.
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Worrying Does Not Empty Tomorrow Of Its Troubles
Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of its strength.
Live in the moment. You can't obsess about what tomorrow holds. Instead, focus on living today! Read a book, go for a bike ride, do something daring like cliff diving. Whatever it is you decide to do, it should be about living your life as it is now and not worrying about what has happened in the past or what may happen in the future. If you simply cannot put your worries aside, then designate a time and place to address your worries so that they don't interfere with your daily life.
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Faith Is Bigger Than Fear
Faith is bigger than fear.
In order to get what you really desire out of life, you have to be willing to have faith. If you don't believe it, you won't achieve it, and if you do believe it, you will. Believing that you will actually see the victory that you set out for, is hard to do when you are actually faced with adversity, but we have to remember that without adversity God cannot help our faith to grow.
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Never Let Mistakes Define Who You Are
Never let mistakes define who you are, only you choose who you are and what you are to become.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could never make a mistake? Actually, making mistakes is crucial to living a good life. There is no way to gauge if we have or if we are doing the right things in life, if we have never messed up in our lives. Mistakes are simply part of who we are and what we do as human beings. We have to be able to accept that we make mistakes, and we have to be willing to use every mistake that we have made, and turn it into a positive, instead of not learning from our mistakes, and committing the same ones time and time again.
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There's No Way Of Knowing What Tomorrow Brings
There's no way of knowing what tomorrow brings, but life's too short to waste it. I say bring on anything.
Life is much too short to waste. If you aren't on this Earth to have a good time and to make a legacy out of your name, then what are you on this earth for? Too many times people are so busy living their lives in the hopes of getting over and getting past feelings, when feelings have nothing to do with their dreams.
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Life Doesn't Get Easier, You Just Get Stronger
Life doesn't get easier, you just get stronger.
As you go through life in a path towards your dreams, one thing you learn is that everything you have been through can teach you a lesson about where you are going. It isn't and it shouldn't be everyday that we make mistakes, because we should be able to learn from the mistakes of the past, so that we don't make them again.
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Do Not Chase People
Do not chase people. Be you, do your own thing and work hard. The right people who belong in your life will come to you, and stay.
Chasing people around in life will be of no benefit to you in the long run. This is mostly because you can't make people be who you want them to be, people will always do what they truly want to do, deep down inside. What you can do is make extraordinary effort each day to be you, and to do what is in your heart, and work hard at it.
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They Ignore You Now But They'll Need You Later
They ignore you now but they'll need you later, that's life.
Sometimes people will undervalue you, it just happens in life. People are sometimes selfish creatures, and though they may not always have the worst of intentions in mind, they don't seem to see things until they need to see them. Not everyone is able to look at things with a compassionate eye, whether it be because they were never taught to do so, or that it be they choose not to think of anyone other than themselves.
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Your Journey Has Molded You For Your Greater Good
Your journey has molded you for your greater good, and it was exactly what it needed to be. Don't think that you've lost time. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time.
You are a product of your journey thus far. Even though many of us would like to forget about some of the things that we have endured in the past, and some of the mistakes that we have committed, we have to believe that everything that we have been through, is a part of who we are today. Every situation you have encountered has helped to form who you are in this moment, and the only way that you can change who you are now, is to work on yourself as each day comes.
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Sometimes You Can't See The Pain Someone Feels
Not all scars show, not all wounds heal. Sometimes you can't always see, the pain someone feels.
Just because someone is acting out in a manner that you neither like nor appreciate, doesn't mean that you have to act out in a rude manner towards them. In fact, many times it is best to treat those who treat you badly, with kindness, and with a smile. Not only are rude words killed by kind words, many people will feel compelled to change their rude attitudes to a more kind attitude, even if it only lasts for but a moment.
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Apr 19
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