Don't Be Afraid Just Be Yourself
The way that the world is in these times is the way that the world will always be. There will always be those who never quite figure out who they really are that let society mold them and make them into who they want to be, only to find out later on if ever, that living as anyone other than who you are at heart isn't much of a living at all.

When somebody is willing to be nobody but their self, they are willing to fight one of the toughest battles that any human being can fight, and never stop fighting in an effort to show the world how much it will benefit from them being who they truly are.

Are you fighting this tough battle? Do you make efforts on a daily basis to be consistent, and to not only hear things from your heart, but to act on them as well?

It Doesn't Matter What Other People Think Of You
It doesn't matter what other people think of you. All that matters is what you think of you.
In life we are constantly faced with making the choice of conforming to an ideal of society, and being a person that we know may be socially accepted, but wouldn't necessarily be an accurate representative of who we really are on the inside, or to being who truly are at our deepest and most intimate of levels.
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You Were Born To Be Real, Not To Be Perfect
You were born to be real, not to be perfect. You're here to be you, not to be what someone else wants you to be.
You are the only version of you. Why waste time trying to fit into the mold of someone else? Many times people do this because they feel as though the person that they really are is too conflicting of a person to deal with society, causing a conflict within their own selves. Many times this causes people to become hard to deal with, leading them to become aloof and alone.
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You Might Feel Worthless To One Person, But You're Priceless To Another
You might feel worthless to one person, but you're priceless to another. Don't ever forget your value.
We are all very valuable, and despite what we want to believe as we are faced with the adversity of being lost in the crowd, we have to remember that we have meaning. Trust in the fact that God put you on this earth for a reason. You have to use your faith to not only be alive in life, but you also have to have faith so that you can succeed.
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Be Yourself And Quit Trying To Be Everyone Else
Be yourself and quit trying to be everyone else.
One of the most intriguing quotes about a person's individualism is by the philosopher Lao Tzu who once stated, "He who is able to conquer others is powerful; he who is able to conquer himself, is more powerful."
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You Have To Love Yourself To Love Others
It's surprising how many people go through life without ever recognizing that their feelings toward other people are largely determined by their feelings toward themselves, and if you're not comfortable within yourself, you can't be comfortable with others.
Many people choose to hate other people because they hate themselves. When you are able to honestly love yourself for who you are, you will find a peace and understanding that not too many people have found or will find. Just because you are going through turmoil in your life, doesn't mean that you should be the cause of turmoil in someone else's life.
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Stop Comparing Yourself To Others
Stop comparing yourself to others. You are you; nobody else could be you even if they tried to be. You are unique and beautiful. Nobody else is you.
Being you is an important part of the experience of truly living your life to the fullest extent. Sometimes it may take a while for a person to find out who they really are, but in reality it should never be hard for us to see how much we are different from everyone else. The simple fact that no one else in this world is like us should be evidence enough to show each and every one of us that we are beautiful.
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Building Self Esteem
Dear self, please accept yourself more, please love yourself, please make the right choices, please know what is good for you, and please know that you are not alone.
We have to accept ourselves for who we are at heart, if we don't we will never truly be happy when we achieve what can be seen as success.
We have to love ourselves, if we don't have any love for ourselves trying to give love to somebody else is impossible.
We must make the right choices, too many times we are tempted to do things that we know deep down are the wrong things to choose to do.
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Apr 25
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