Getting Through Bad Days
In order to live a life with strong passion we must all be willing to let go of the times in our past that were a bit rough. Though we should always do our best to remember the lessons our lives have taught us, we must be willing to do what is best and what is needed in order to persevere and become successful eventually.

From time to time we will have a bad day, and there will even be seasons in which we first think that we are going through something way more trying than we really ever expected. It is in these times where we become who we are going to be for the rest of our days. For it is these days that show you that you can overcome later on in life, helping you to let go of your maybe once fearful way of thinking and living.

Love For Today And Love For Tomorrow
Live for today, love for tomorrow, and laugh at all your yesterdays. Never regret the past, always hope for the future, and cherish every moment you have.
To live a life with no regrets a person has to be willing to take life for all that it be, and without expecting to understand or win every battle, but instead to just love life, period. No matter what you do, you will make mistakes, and that is okay. Nobody said that everything would come easily, and not everything that happens in your present will be completely understood.
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The Reason Why We Struggle With Insecurity
The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else's highlight reel. -Steve Furtick
Though a person's life may look rosy in the forefront, and a person may look to you as though they may have everything that you could ever desire, you must realize that every single person has a behind the scenes. Think about it. Do you tell every single person you know every tiny detail of your life at all times? Most of us will answer this question with a no for various reasons.
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The Ultimate Measure Of A Man
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
There will be times in your life that will make you wonder if everything is actually going to be ok. No one knows everything. There are things that we can base our future's off of, and there are guides in life for us to study, to try and best plot out our own paths, but in the end, our plans will not always work the way we thought they would.
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All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter, Not All Who Wander Are Lost
All that is gold does not glitter, not all who wander are lost.
An important teaching that we can all really stand to learn over the period of our natural life is the fact that everything thing in this world isn't always how we first perceive that it will be. Often we approach situations thinking that we are already prepared for them, and then after we are forced to recognize that our prior beliefs may be wrong we are able to help change the situation by adapting to it.
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Normal People Don't Go Around Destroying Other Human Beings
If someone treats you like shit, just remember that there is something wrong with them, not you. Normal people don't go around destroying other human beings.
If you ever want to truly respect yourself you have to be willing to remember that your worth is infinite in value. We are all priceless, and just because someone else can't see it does not at all mean that we should invest all of our time into trying to convince them otherwise.
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We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve
If you will love someone more than they deserve, expect you'll be hurt more than you deserve.
When a person rejects the love that is offered to them often it is because they are on guard and don't believe that they deserve that they are given. Many times the love we could receive is certainly more monumental than we love we allow to filter into our lives because we are attempting to protect ourselves from being hurt.
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We Can Endure Much More Than We Think
At the end of the day we can endure much more than we think we can.
Each day is a day that we need to be innovative, a day that we should be creative, and a day that we must be willing to go for what we know is inside of us with a full fledged effort. We should never at the end of the day feel as though we didnt give the effort that we know we could have given. We should never at the end of a day have to promise ourselves that on another day in the future we would try as hard as we possibly can. We must make use of everyday and every moment that we are given.
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Somehow It's Always The Truth That Comes Up Missing
Everybody talk and everybody listen, but somehow it's always the truth that comes up missing.
In this world today it seems as if everyone is comforted by not knowing the whole truth, and believing in lies. There has to be someone who is willing and capable to stand up to these lies and challenge them, not for political reasons, or for their own agenda, but instead for the good of mankind overall. When it seems that a majority of people are overly influenced by details in the media, swaying one way or the other, there isnt much else that we can do but speak the truth amongst ourselves!
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Life Will Always Find A Way To Humble You
Don't get too cocky. Life will always find a way to humble you.
In life, it is easy to get a little over confident or cocky, especially when success seems to be all that you encompass. Instead of getting too cocky, we have to be willing to find a way to humble ourselves. One of the best ways to do this is to simply stop thinking of us, and our accomplishments, and to switch our focus to helping others to become successful as well. To be humble one must not be willing to think of oneself as less, but one must be willing to think of himself, less, as quoted by evangelist Rick Warren.
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Life Is Too Short To Start Your Day With Broken Pieces Of Yesterday
Life is too short to start your day with broken pieces of yesterday, it will definitely destroy your wonderful today and ruin your great tomorrow!
If we are ever going to make the best out of our everyday lives, we have to live in the moment as much as possible. How often do you make every day the best day you possibly can make it. How often do you set a goal for each day, and then go out and achieve it? Every day, the happiest people in the world don't complain about what they do or where they are, they appreciate what they have, and they appreciate that they still have the ability to do more, to go farther than they have ever been.
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Apr 19
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