It's Time To Work A Little Harder
Though a small minority can't really say this about themselves, there is a huge population of people, including myself, who can say this about their work ethic in their own lives. In the lives of many, things like procrastination and laziness do play at least a small part in preventing people from achieving the goals and dreams that we feel are meant for us in our hearts.

So what are you waiting for? We must make us of each moment as they pass, because these moments will never be able to be re-lived again.

Let us make conscious efforts throughout each day so that we may get to the top in our lives. To be most polished we have to be willing to undertake any projects in our lives with an untiring diligence. These days a lot more people are realizing the rewards of working hard, so work harder than the rest. Keep pushing in life, and eventually success will be abundant in your life.

Believe In Yourself Even When No One Else Does
Believe in yourself even when no one else does. If someone tells you that you can't do it, prove them wrong.
Ambition is a great trait to have and is a trait that we may all acquire if we are just willing to work hard towards becoming it. Ambition is a priceless trait, it is grown and cultured in each and every individual that it lies in, and in some it grows much bigger than it might in others.
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Life Is A Succession Of Lessons
Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood. -Helen Keller
Life is a lesson full of many smaller lessons throughout. No one has the answer to every question that life seems to pose, but as we go through the uncharted territory that we call life, we seem to learn more and more. For somewhat makes life great is the ability to prove others wrong, and trying hard to do things that others say they may not be able to do.
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Do The Best You Can Until You Know Better
Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. -Maya Angelou
Doing better requires us to do a few things. If we want to do better, we have to come to terms with the decisions that we are making on a daily basis. We all have our demons, and to get past them we have to admit that there is a need for us to admit they are present in our lives so that we may finally be able to face them. To do better we have to change our normal thought processes, and attempt to think in more positive and productive terms.
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You Are Exactly Where You Are Supposed To Be
You are exactly where you are supposed to be.
Nobody is where they want to be when they first begin. As we go through our lives and as we really start to initiate our real lives, a life filled with making moves towards becoming a success and maintaining levels of happiness, we soon realize that getting to our dreams is a step by step process.
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It's About Progress Not Perfection
It's about progress not perfection.
Remember in life that though many of us attempt to be perfect, there is no way that we ever will or can be so. Instead of aiming for perfection, aim for continual progress. Remember that the pain you are experiencing now is only for a short while, don't choose to suffer from it, rather, choose to overcome it.
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Overcoming The Things You Once Thought You Couldn't
Strength doesn't come from what you can do it comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't.
Real strength doesn't lie in the man that can run the fastest, real strength lies in the man that can run the fastest for the longest amount of time.
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Never Ask For Lighter Rain, Instead Pray For A Better Umbrella
Heavy rain showers remind me of challenges in life. Never ask for a lighter rain. Instead pray for a better umbrella.
When it rains, it pours, and sometimes life is full of thunderstorms and high winds. It is in these high stress situations that we are truly tested on our character. Think about it, if you never had enormous tests placed before you, how would you ever gauge how good you are already, and how far you need to go or grow to make it to your dreams. Take every facet of life for what it truly is at its core.
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There Is Something Good In Every Day
Every day may not be good... but there is something good in every day.
Though it is human nature to worry and to look for threats of danger in our lives, we must come to know that if we live a life full of worry, our whole life can be slowed from us being drug down in spirit, in our words, and even ultimately in our physical being.
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How Your Future Can Be Greater Than Your Past
Just because the past didn't turn out like you wanted it to doesn't mean your future can't be better than you imagined.
In life there are two main principles of giving and receiving that are relevant to almost any circumstance we are confronted with on a daily basis. If a person wants to be successful in life they have to be willing to "give" hard work, to "receive" the benefits of working hard. If a person wants for people to be genuine with them they must be willing to give "genuine advice and love" in order to receive it back.
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Let It All Out And Let Things Go
Some of the very things that we hold onto the most, are the very things that we need to let go of.
Let it all out and let things go. Some things in our lives are just not worth holding on to, especially things that have happened in the past, because once they have happened, they can never be changed. Instead of living in the past, and thinking of ways to make things different, live in the present so that you may see all the opportunities and blessings that life has afforded you, despite how tumultuous your past may have been.
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Apr 25
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