Make Time For Things That Will Affect Your Life In A Positive Way
There is a positive perspective in every situation if we are willing to look for it. Life is full of ups and downs, but one thing remains clear, choosing to keep a positive mindset is much more beneficial to a person than allowing their mind to become clouded with negative thinking.

Positive actions and living a great life come from first being able to have a positive vision of life. Those who are positive are grateful for all of the opportunities in life, even the ones that didnt seem to work out as planned.

Positive people know that living a great life requires a great deal of patience, and hard work. They realize that there is no time for negative thinking, negative words, or negative peers to surround them because this will only cloud their minds and their message.

Stay away from the negative and choose to believe that success is your only option at all times!

Life Never Stops Pushing Forward
Life never stops pushing forward. Stay focused and never slow down with regrets. Smile, forgive, forget, and KEEP MOVING!
You can't always expect for life to treat you good, that's just honestly not how it works. Many people believe that if they only do good things bad things will stay away from them.
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In Seeking Happiness For Others, You Will Find It In Yourself
Here's to the people who always have a smile on their face and no matter what they're going through, they put others before them.
We were put on this Earth to serve each other. Volunteering and serving in the community get a bad rep as many people are scared to experience the pain that others have had to endure because they actually have to meet these people face to face.
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You Have The Power To Be Great
I would rather die a meaningful death than to live a meaningless life.
What will you be known for by the time that everything is said and done? Will you be know for your innovation? Will you be know for your willingness to serve those who are under served?
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Your Setback Is The Platform For Your Comeback
Your setback is the platform for you comeback.
Detach from the things that attempt to drag you down, because this is the only way you are truly going to be able to give yourself a shot at real success.
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Build From The Heart
Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it. -Carl W Buechner
Society is changing and the things that sustain us most are things that add value to our lives everyday. When we choose to build from the heart instead of aiming to build a life that pleases everyone but our true selves, we are proactively choosing to build our lives over more solid foundation.
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Life Is All About Perspective
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. -Oscar Wilde
Life is all about perspective. We can either choose to look at things from a positive standpoint or we can choose to look at things from the negative point of view. As humans it is easiest for us to think of the negative point of view, as doing so takes the least amount of work.
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The Primary Cause Of Unhappiness Is Never The Situation But...
The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.
To be happy you have to be determined. Situations will always come your way that you aren't excited about, but these circumstances should never ruin our dispositions on life.
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Having A Good Heart And Being Taken Advantage Of
When you have a good heart: You help too much. You trust too much. You give too much. You love too much & it always seems like you're the one who gets hurt the most.
Being taken advantage of is something that those of us with a kind heart have to deal with on the regular. This doesn't mean that we should just let our hearts become hardened and not try to help our fellow man when we experience these situations, it just means that we have to be willing to switch up our approach.
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The True Meaning Of Happiness
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
Being happy is about being able to be the truest and most honest version of yourself to the world at any given time.
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No One Is Going To Hand You Success
No one is going to hand me success. I must go out and get it myself. Thats why Im here. To dominate. To conquer. Both the world, and myself.
Being a winner requires that a person is willing to recognize that there are no real handouts. Yes, there is help along the way in the forms of many things, but until you are willing to put yourself out there, no one or no thing can help you.
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Apr 25
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