Never Be Ashamed Of Who You Are
Living life ashamed of who you are is a very difficult life to live. Instead of being ashamed of where you have been and what you have been through, be grateful. You are blessed to still have life, you were blessed with the gift of waking up this morning, and you have a chance to make your life better. Not everyone was given this tremendous gift of life this day, and the next minute in our life isn't promised, just as the next day isn't promised to as well.

You are somebody! You are important! If you allow yourself to do great things, and stop feeling convicted for what you haven't accomplished in the past, you will make a big impact on this world. Dont walk with your head down in shame; walk with your head high, as the queen or king that you really are, and show the world what you are really made of!

Don't Worry About Tomorrow
Don't worry about tomorrow, don't think about yesterday and don't live in the future. Just make it through this day.
Making through each day, and owning each day in the best way we possibly can should be the ultimate goal that we set for ourselves on a daily basis. Life is full of uncertainty and a lot of times it simply won't go in the manner we plan it to. We have to be willing to forget about the days past, and not put so much concern into what we might be in the future.
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Stop Beating Yourself Up Over Mistakes That You Made
There comes a point when you have to stop beating yourself up over mistakes that you made.
The mistakes that you have made in your past, should be left in your past. Little do many of us realize but nobody is perfect. As a matter of fact, life just wouldn't be life if we were perfect. There would be no room for growth, and we would live our lives with no direction and no purpose.
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Be Yourself Everyone Else Is Already Taken
Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.
Being yourself is a hard task for many to complete, because many are too scared to show the world what their true colors consist of. Being yourself is sometimes very difficult, especially when many in society will try to make you feel as though being yourself just isn't good enough, and that being someone that you aren't completely is the only way a person will be able to fit in everywhere correctly.
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Don't Cry Because Of One Person
Don't cry because of one person. Remember, there are still 6,790,062,216 people to smile to.
Never let one person bring your whole world down. Yes it is true that at times people who we thought might never let us down, end up doing so, and sometimes those who we thought will love us and be there for us forever suddenly leave our lives. While it is natural to grieve, never waste too much time dwelling on a past or person that you can't change.
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Be Patient, Live Life, Have Faith
Disappointments are just God's way of saying "I've got something better". Be patient, live life, have faith.
If there is one thing that life will always have to offer us, it will come in the form of disappointment. People will disappoint us, we will disappoint ourselves, our plans will fall through sometimes, and not everything that we will achieve will always be as we envisioned it.
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Be Proud Of Who You Are
Be proud of who you are.
In order to be proud of who you are, one must figure out who they are. Society today tells us that there are certain ways to gain notoriety and popularity and many people instead of presenting themselves to the world as the person that they really are, choose to present themselves to the world as similar to the images of people who are known as possible, in order to gain a false sense of confidence and self esteem.
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You Are More Important Than You Realize
You are more important that you realize.
We have all been through situations and dealt with people we really care about who can sometimes make us feel that we aren't as important as we know we really are. Don't fall in the trap and let yourself think that you aren't important. Doing so will only discourage you from doing what you know that you are truly capable of. Instead walk daily with your head held high and a humble strong confidence that let's everyone know that you are somebody.
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Choices In Life
When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.
Whenever we have trials and tribulations in our life we can let those things become us, kill us or overcome them and be strengthened for our future forever. A lot of times we are confronted with problems and are easily discouraged. Some of us have the nature of seeing obstacles in our way and electing to let those obstacles stop us from progressing, and settling in the position we are in. Whenever we start to feel this way we must stop and analyze our thinking immediately, and seek encouragement.
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Words Of Encouragement For A Friend
You deserve to wear a smile in your heart. Not because of what you have or what you do, but because of who you are. Yes, you are changing each day; but you are always amazing just as you are.
In the world today it the amount of money we have and the way we look seems to be a bigger deal than the person we are at heart. The media blasts picture perfect flicks and video of famous stars across television, and magazine publications in order to make the most money, even though they realize that people may be influenced negatively by these phony representations of these stars. It is important to learn at a young age to be as complacent as possible in your own skin.
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Apr 25
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