Surround Yourself With People Who Are Going To Lift You Higher
Why do waste our time with those who can't see past the horizon. A lot of times when we only strictly deal with people that are comfortable in life where they are, we tend to get complacent ourselves. Just as misery loves company, so does complacency. When we are able to have big dreams and go for them, it takes a lot of heart from ourselves, and it also takes a lot of support, encouragement, and understanding from those who are in our circles.

To be a success we have to keep in mind that only those who are able to see our vision are the only ones who will be able to help us to drive to where we want to go. If we drive in a car with someone who can barely see the road in front of them, chances are greater that we wreck, and end up far away from where we planned to go. So give your love and encouragement to those who dream as you dream, and not those who dream with limits.

If You Look At A Thing Long Enough, It Loses All Of Its Meaning
I'm afraid that if you look at a thing long enough, it loses all of its meaning. -Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol's quote about how things get boring and mundane in life is only true if you let it become true. Sure pieces of art and material things may become old, and boring after a while unless they hold some sort of sentimental value to us, but the relationships we share with ourselves and with the circle of people around us should never get boring. In order to avoid this, we must be as spontaneous as possible. Try taking doing one spontaneous thing for your lover weekly, including but not limited to, taking them out to a place you know they love but they know you hate.
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Don't Waste Time On People Who Don't Deserve It
When I give you my time, I'm giving you a portion of my life that I will never get back. So don't waste it.
Some of the wisest and most influential people on this earth realize that it is not money, but it is time that is probably the most valuable asset in our life. It is hard for us not to take for granted the time we have because not all of us spend all of our time proactively (actively engaging in a planned schedule) but instead we waste our time reacting to things like the television, new web sites we may find on the internet, or on social networking sites like Facebook.
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Do Not Let Pain Make You Hate
Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place.
We all have experienced things in life that have given us a sort of thick skin, or as some may say pain that has caused up to "put up a guard". Protecting ourselves is just part of our human nature, naturally no one wants to be hurt, and when we realize the things that hurt us we tend to stay away from them, or if we do go around the things that have made us hurt before, we go around them skeptically, sometimes with the intent to cause those things the pain that they may have caused us.
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Treasure The Doing A Little More And The Getting It Done A Little Less
Live in the moment. Treasure the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less.
Sometimes there are moments in which our lives and our hearts take over, there are no words needed to describe what's going on, and there is really no need for an explanation for anything. Sometimes we just have to live in the moment, and let our bodies, hearts and souls take over, and let go! If you have never experienced a moment like this before in all actuality, you probably have but instead of letting yourself just feel the situation, you over analyzed it instead, and hindered the flow.
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Don't Wait Until It's Too Late
One day you're going to wake up and realize what you missed and it's going to be too late.
Having regrets? To be honest we all regret, whether we choose to admit it or not, we all have things and opportunities in our lives we passed on and wonder what would have happened if we chose to take advantage of them, or in some cases even, not take advantage of certain opportunities. With that being said we must learn how to deal with regrets in our lives.
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Finding Out Where Your Heart Is
If you want to know where your heart is, look to where your mind goes when it wanders.
In order for us to truly know where our heart is, we need to sometimes look to what we often think about in our daydreams, and what we dream about at night. Sometimes in order for us to find our passion we must look into the thing that our mind always has us thinking about. If you notice that your mind wanders about one specific thing constantly it may be because at your hearts level you know that this thing is something you should be putting your heart into.
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Don't Allow Others To Control The Direction Of Your Life
When you are writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen.
Take a look at your life today and ask yourself, who is holding the pen to the life story that you are creating on a daily basis. Is it your friends, your husband or wife, your kids, your parents? It is important to ask yourself this because the person that should be writing your life story is you. In ten years you don't want to regret not taking life by the horns, and just sitting on the sidelines because of your circumstances.
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Everybody Hurts You're Not Alone
Everybody hurts you're not alone.
When we experience times of difficulty and stress sometimes when no one is around to experience our pain with us, and even sometimes when others are there for us we still feel alone. I know that going through pain and grief is a hard thing to do, and it is especially hard to do by yourself. But unless you reach out to those close to you to let them know that you want them close to you in your grief, usually people will back off and let you grieve alone.
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You Can Go As Far As Your Mind Lets You
Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.
Too many of us choose to limit ourselves by not using everything that we have inside of us, to get where we need to go. How many times have you seen someone who you know or knew growing up, that seemed to be less talented, and less resourceful than everyone else, but now that person seems to be one of the most favored people you have ever seen.
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Stop Over Thinking, Stop Worrying, Stop Complaining
Stop over thinking, stop worrying, stop complaining. Life is too short for all of that.
One muscle that we have to learn how to develop to achieve success is the muscle in our psyche that we use to make decisions. Just as we workout to develop the muscles we want and the body shape we desire, exercising the muscles of our brain will give our personal lives the look that we want if we learn how to develop them correctly.
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Apr 25
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