There Are Two Mistakes One Can Make Along The Road To Truth
One thing that we do as people is condemning ourselves, especially when we don't what we know that we are capable of in each day. Self-condemnation can ruin a person's life in so many ways, and if we don't learn how to fight it there is a chance we may end up very unachieved over the years.

To help deter the condemnation of ourselves we have to first be willing to put our trust into God knowing that he will never put more on us than we can actually take each day. We must also be willing to take a good look and examination of the choices that we make each day, and try our best to choose the right way so that we can be steadily moving towards becoming the person who is inside of us to be.

Get started on being a better you, be aggressive, and make the choices that fit who you really are!

Mistakes Are Okay, They Are Our Stepping Stones Of Progress
Mistakes are okay; they are our stepping stones of progress. If we are not failing from time to time, we are not trying hard enough and we are not learning. We have to take risks, stumble, fall, and then get up and try again. Appreciate that we are pushing our self, learning, growing and improving. One of the mistakes we fear might just be the link to our greatest achievement yet!
Today we may never know if the dreams that are in our heart will be relevant 100 or 200 years from now. But this should never stop us from doing what is in our hearts, and what rules our thoughts. Though we cannot do everything that we possibly may want to in every given moment, we can do at least one thing, and we can do that one thing so well, that it will have an effect on the next few generations at least, even if it doesnt always remain the most relevant.
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It's Not The Mistake That Matters, It's How You Deal With It
It's not the mistake that matters; it's how you deal with it, what you learn from it, and how you apply that lesson to your life.
If you make a mistake know that from this experience you gained, because you now have experience with enough value to know what not to do again. Many times we can be taught by the experience and the words from someone with a bit more experience in a situation, but we have to remember that at the same time, we are different from everyone else as well. It is these differences within us that help to determine how proactive we will be compared to how reactive we could be if that is how we are built.
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Mistakes Are Proof That You Are Trying
Mistakes are proof that you are trying.
Mistakes are something that any person who puts forth effort is capable of making. If we are trying to progress in life we must be willing to make mistakes, we must be willing to lose sometimes, and we must be willing to keep going no matter what. In the spirit of success, we must learn from our own mistakes, and others who have made mistakes that have already obtained certain levels of their own success.
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Never Let Mistakes Define Who You Are
Never let mistakes define who you are, only you choose who you are and what you are to become.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could never make a mistake? Actually, making mistakes is crucial to living a good life. There is no way to gauge if we have or if we are doing the right things in life, if we have never messed up in our lives. Mistakes are simply part of who we are and what we do as human beings. We have to be able to accept that we make mistakes, and we have to be willing to use every mistake that we have made, and turn it into a positive, instead of not learning from our mistakes, and committing the same ones time and time again.
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Never Regret Your Past Mistakes
All of the stupid mistakes you have made in the past, lead you into the person that you are today. Never regret them.
Though some feel as though a person's past is what a person is, there are those who know by personal experience that a person's past is now behind them, and that anyone can go anywhere that they want to go, and be anything that they want to be despite their pasts, if they are willing to work as diligently as they possibly can in their present situation.
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Stop Beating Yourself Up Over Mistakes That You Made
There comes a point when you have to stop beating yourself up over mistakes that you made.
The mistakes that you have made in your past, should be left in your past. Little do many of us realize but nobody is perfect. As a matter of fact, life just wouldn't be life if we were perfect. There would be no room for growth, and we would live our lives with no direction and no purpose.
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No One Should Be Judged By The Mistakes They Have Made
We sometimes let people get the best of us, destroy us, and change our opinions on what we believe is true. Only you know what is right for yourself. You have the power, you make the choices and you learn. Each experience we go through in life is a lesson to be learned. We all make mistakes. Why is that so hard for some to understand? No one should be judged by the mistakes they have made. It's past news.
Many times we do let people get the best of us. For some reason we let people in our lives who before had no significance, and allow them to eat away from our lives like a cancer. We have to believe in what is right for ourselves, and what is right in our own hearts. There will at times be many that try to tell us to think their way, but living your life consists of following what is inside of you, and what is inside of your heart.
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Forgiving Yourself
You have the right to forgive yourself anytime you want.
In every single person's life lies a mistake made by a person that they wish they could take back, whether they are ready to admit it or not. The only way to move past the regret of a mistake in our lives that still causes us pain is to forgive yourself for it. Not only is it our right to, but forgiving our selves allows us to move past obstacles in our lives that we would not have otherwise moved past without doing so.
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Don't Be Afriad To Make Mistakes
Don't be afraid to make mistakes.
Making mistakes is what makes life. Without making mistakes where would we be. If we were scared to make mistakes many of us would still not be able to do what we see as basic in life, such as walking or talking. Every one on this planet, from the leaders of countries, professional athletes, world famous actors and musicians, to those who are homeless, those who are unemployed, and so forth have all made mistakes!
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Hard Times In Life
Don't worry about hard times, because most of the beautiful things we have in life come from changes and mistakes.
Change and mistakes are two aspects of life that help us to become better people. Change is the transition from something old into something new, and is necessary for growth in a person's life. Think about if we never aged or matured. Could you imagine being the same size that you were as a five year old and only having the same amount of knowledge that you did at that age? We have to maintain new changes in our lives on a regular basis in order to grow and reach our potential.
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Apr 25
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