There Is No Rainbow Without Rain
If there are never any storms in your life, then you must realize that you will never be able to appreciate the best that life has to offer in turn. There are times in our lives when we are forced to face the bad. We must learn not only how to cope with being in a storm, but we must learn how to thrive in the storms that we face in life.

If we are willing to stop our progress, and submit to being defeated, instead of learning what it takes to overcome, we will never be able to fully appreciate life and what it has to offer. This poses a threat to everything inside of us that makes us great. With a lack of anything to work hard for, we won't, and with the lack of a need for diligence we will no longer have a dream to work towards.

Always remember that though there will be rain in your life, without the rain there wouldnt be anything as beautiful as a rainbow.

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Give Thanks For Where You're Going
Today: Instead of regretting where you've BEEN..give thanks for where you're GOING.
They say at the end of our lifetime, we won't regret the mistakes we made, but rather things we didn't do when we had the chance to. Your biggest fear in life shouldn't be fearing losing your life, but it should instead be fear that you didn't live all that you could while you could.
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Enjoy The Little Things In Life
Enjoy the little things for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.
There are many times in which we take the little things in life for granted, and forget to look at the tiniest of details to allow ourselves to realize how great our lives really are. There are so many extraordinary parts of life, if we just take a little bit of extra time to notice that things really are extraordinary.
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Make The Decision To Be Happy Despite It All
You can't wait for all of your problems to be solved. You have to make a decision to be happy despite it all.
Being happy is a choice that you have to decide to make each day. Every day is a day that we have to choose to rise with grace, and class, on a mission with focus, and a resolve that can't be broken or disturbed. Make it a point to renew yourself everyday and to make each day different, but productive in the same sense.
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As You Embark On A New Journey Keep An Open Mind
As you embark on a new journey keep an open mind. You never know what could be until you try, waste no opportunity.
We all have a lack of knowledge or expertise in at least a few aspects of life, even the most enlightened of us all. When we refuse to constantly challenge our beliefs, we refuse to grow, and if we do grow, we won't blossom, we will only grow as straight and rigid as our beliefs.
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Never Regret A Day In Your Life
Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness and bad days give you experience. Both are essential in life. All are God's blessings, have a great day.
We have all wasted time regretting things from our pasts. Regret is something that affects every single one of us, but in actuality it affects us all differently. Some of us are able to think about mistakes of the past, and take the lessons we learned from them into our futures to help provide ourselves with a much better life.
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Life Only Comes Around Once, So Do Whatever Makes You Happy
Life only comes around once, so do whatever makes you happy, and be with whoever makes you smile.
Don't get too busy and forget that you have a life to live. Put your hand on your cheek. Do you feel that? No, not your skin. Im talking about the force behind your glowing skin. What makes you alive? What makes you get up out of bed each morning in the pursuit of becoming better? Is it in you to the core? If not, why not?
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Be Careful With Words
Be careful with because once they are said, they can only be forgiven...not forgotten.
Remember that when you commit to an action, whether it be out of rage, or out of logic, you can't take back what you have done.
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It's Not Selfish To Love Yourself
It's not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It's necessary.
As humans sometimes it is easy to feel invincible, especially when the bad habits that we give practice to everyday don't seem to affect us like we are warned about.
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We Spend Precious Hours Fearing The Inevitable
We spend precious hours fearing the inevitable. It would be wise to use that time adoring our families, cherishing our friends, and living our lives. -Maya Angelou
An important lesson that we can all easily get out of life is to make sure that we live each day to the best of our ability, not live each day worrying about every difficult challenge that we are continuing to face each day. Instead of sitting and meditating upon thoughts that cause stress in your life before a time like bedtime when it is important to get peaceful sleep, we have to consciously tell our subconscious to think of things that are motivating instead of deflating.

When you find yourself starting to think negatively about a situation that is prominent in your life, or a relationship that you may have with someone, quickly turn the negative thought into a positive thought. Remember that each day is a new day, a new day in which you can make a new beginning, so throw off your worries before you throw off your clothes at night, and make every new day better than the day before.
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Challenges Are What Make Life Interesting
Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. Joshua J. Marine
If you don't make things happen in the present then when will you be the catalyst to making a change to this world? There is no time like the present time to get the ball rolling in your life, in order to seek to become the best you. Though things may seem as if they are rough in the moment, and starting now may seem like a scary investment, but life isn't about the risks we take, or the failures or the victories.

It is about how much drive we have in us to keep going, to keep getting back up after we have fallen, to keep taking risks after taking a risk may have failed us, and to keep dreaming even though we may have achieved some sort of success. Make your time now, tomorrow isn't a given for anyone, and the opportunities that you have today are not guaranteed to be in your life forever as well.
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Apr 24
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