When Something Bad Happens You Have Three Choices
There are always going to be bad things that happen in your life, what is the measure of a man, is how he or she responds to the things that happen in their lives. When you think about the greatest beings that walk earth, you realize that those who are great don't get caught up in falling or losing a battle. Those who are great rise to the occasion, and shrug off defeat.

How many times have you seen a lion complaining or whimpering compared to how many times that you've seen a lion roaring? Winners don't have time to whimper or complain, true winners only have time to do the things that they need to do to be the best.

So will you be a winner when defeat lingers near?Will you cave in and whine when everyone else around you is. Will you let the bad circumstances in life deter you from victory? Or will you let the overcoming of your obstacles strengthen you?

Life Develops Beautiful Pictures From Negative Situations
Beautiful pictures are developed from negatives in a dark room. So if you see darkness in your life be reassured that a beautiful picture is being prepared.
If we relegate or think on the bad parts of our lives, if we are only able to think of the parts of life in which we messed up in, or didn't give our all or best effort, we will never be able to go forward. There are too many of us who think passionately on the things that we haven't done right in life, instead of focusing on our state now, who we are, and where it is that we want to go.
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We Cannot Change The Cards We Are Dealt, Just How We Play The Hand
We cannot change the cards we are dealt. Just how we play the hand. -Randy Pausch
Many times the cards that life yields us are just that, and many times our fate is a result of things that happen. One big principle that we are all taught in our lives over and over is that things don't just happen to us, things happen because of the choices we made, no matter what hand we are dealt when we are given our lives.
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You'll Meet Two Kinds Of People In Life
You will meet two kinds of people in life: ones who build you up and ones who tear you down. But in the end, you'll thank them both.
Make sure that as you believe and that as you create life, that you place people around you that believe as well. So many people in life are people who will build you up, while there will be others who will be so discourage with their own lives that they try to discourage others.
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Realizing How Blessed You Are
A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are.
A good life is a life that is made. Though we are riddled with many conflicts during our lives, a good life is made good by essentially one thing. This thing is staying courageous enough to believe in whatever it is that drives you. It would be easy to just step back from life, and let it happen, but this would effectively mean that our lives don't really mean much. Purposeful action and belief is what will keep us away from just treading water in the sea of life, and instead will keep us swimming, build us a raft, and guide us to new adventures and new plains in our lives.
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Love As Much As You Live
Laugh as much as you breath and love as much as you live.
One of the most effective antidotes to the stresses of life is laughing a good laugh, and loving as much as we can while we live. When we hear laughter, we associate whatever situation we are in, with happiness, at least usually. When we just let go of our fears, and allow ourselves to be happy, even in the worst of times, it can change the playing field quickly.
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The People Who Belong In Your Life WIll Come And Stay
Do not chase people. Be you and do your own thing and work hard. The right people who belong in your life will come to you and stay.
Some people are destined to be in your life for its entirety, some people are only meant to be in your lifetime for a season, and some are not supposed to be in your life at all. In our everyday lives it is most important to give us the best chance possible by being willing to run our race. You have to be who you really are, and work hard at the things that we know in our hearts are meant for us to accomplish.
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Your Life Is Your Own
The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours, it is an amazing journey, and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.
Nobody is more responsible for where you are now than you. You have the power inside of you to become the success that you want to be! Start becoming detailed and clear about the things that you really want out of life.
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Spend Life With Who Makes You Happy
Spend life with who makes you happy, not who you have to impress.
When we do things over and over again even though we know for a fact that they don't work, chances are you will never achieve the things in life that you want to, and this applies to every aspect of our lives, including our relationships.
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Appreciating The Gift Of Life
Today in the midst of your busy life, may you have at least one moment to sit back and relax when you don't have to do anything or be anywhere in particular but mostly in that moment may you realize here and now what a gift your life is not just to you but to everyone who knows you.
We must always take time out of our day to recognize how far we have come, how blessed we are, and how we can learn from what we have been through, preferably on a day today basis. Life is such a blessed gift from God almighty, and we must learn how to be appreciative of it. The problem is, most people get caught up in their busy lives, and focus on all of the stressors that being busy entails, instead of giving focus to the things in their lives that truly matter the most.
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Realizing How Blessed You Are
A good life is when you smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are for what you have.
How many of us are truly living the good life? Just because on the outside it seems that you have it all, doesn't ever necessarily mean that you really do at heart. Do you protect your dreams by keeping them with you? At the end of each day do you feel satisfied with the effort that you put forth, and do you have joy because you know that no matter what, God has your back?
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Apr 25
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