Let It All Out And Let Things Go
Let it all out and let things go. Some things in our lives are just not worth holding on to, especially things that have happened in the past, because once they have happened, they can never be changed. Instead of living in the past, and thinking of ways to make things different, live in the present so that you may see all the opportunities and blessings that life has afforded you, despite how tumultuous your past may have been.

We simply cannot afford to let things build and build on the inside. When we choose to do so, we are only asking for our lives to be deteriorated away by the things that are consuming us on the inside. Do what you feel, dont hold back your feelings, be sure to stand up for yourself, and always be sure to let things go after you have spoken your mind and have done what you feel in your heart is right.

Nothing Is As Painful As Staying Stuck Somewhere You Don't Belong
Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong.
Breaking up is hard to do, and moving on is even harder. When we lose a love it is easy to feel as though we will never move on, and that we will continue to sing the same old song. One must ask themselves if they really want to move on, or if they want to pursue an old love that didn't seem to work before. In order to move on a person's best bet is to change the things around them that may seem to make them think of, or put them in close proximity of the old love that they are trying to get over.
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Beautiful Quote on Moving Forward
There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there is so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.
In different instances in our lives it is easy to stop pursuing a relationship that we know that if we put a tad bit more effort towards would blossom into a heavenly flower of infinite beauty, because of the walls that one or both parties is putting up. Sometimes people that have been hurt in the past or whom are afraid of giving someone a chance because they never want to be hurt, choose to put walls up in order to prevent this from happening.
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Stop Going Back To The One That Brings You More Pain Than Happiness
Stop going back to the one who brings you more pain than happiness. It's not worth it to continue to invest your feelings into somebody unworthy of your love.
Life is ultimately filled with events that may cause us great difficulty and great pain. There are going to be people in our lives that we thought would always be there for us that disappear. There are going to be people that seem to never grow that expect us to not progress with them, and get angry when we seek progress.
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There Are Far Better Things Ahead Than Any We Leave Behind
There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.
Choose to look ahead. Think about it. If we chose to navigate our cars and drive forward, while focusing intently on the rearview mirror, chances are we are in for a big accident and a big amount of destruction. This is a great analogy for how we should live our lives as well. If we choose to live our lives in the hopes of moving forward, but with our hearts focused on the past, sooner than later we will wreck our lives.
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Let's Begin By Letting Go
If you were happy before you knew someone. You can be happy when they're gone.
In a life riddled with unexpected changes, and disappointments, we are forced to have to let go of some of the negative forces in our lives at different times so that we may stay afloat and keep swimming in this ocean of a life.
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Don't Lose Yourself Holding On To Someone Who Doesn't Care About Losing You
Don't lose yourself in attempt to hold on to someone who doesn't care about losing you.
Everybody wants to be wanted, and discovering that sometimes we have to let go is very discouraging and heart breaking. As hard as it may be, letting go is at many times what we need to grow. Just as many flowers wont blossom the way that they are supposed to without the proper pruning and care so are our lives. Without the proper release of people who are weighing down our lives, many times our lives wont grow like they are supposed to.
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Never Pretend To Care More Than You Really Do
One of the cruelest things you can do to another person is pretend you care about them more than you really do.
Being in a relationship is already tough. As we are all (for the most part) born alone, being with someone can be one of the most difficult jobs a person actually experiences in life.
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Forget What's Gone And Appreciate What Still Remains
Sometimes you have to forget what's gone, appreciate what still remains, and look forward to what's coming next.
After we face huge amounts of pain and heartbreak, it is often very difficult and trying when we even think of moving on. As we have all faced some sort of heartbreak in our lives we must know that the time we spend over-analyzing situations we cant change and trying to figure out what we could have done differently, will only cost us more heartache. We have to be willing to face truth eventually, and often times that truth is what is done has already been done.
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Don't Close The Book, Just Turn The Page
Move on. It is just a chapter in the past, but don't close the book- just turn the page.
As we live our lives on a day to day basis, we must always keep in mind that one day can change everything. Sometimes when we are dissatisfied with our pasts, which we used to be and who we have become, we have to be willing to dream, and become that new dream.
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Begin Again, Never Give Up
If you're still looking for a happy ending I suggest you start searching for a new beginning.
Realizing that there are huge differences between giving up and moving on is a huge part of becoming mature in life. A person with a considerable amount of wisdom is a person that knows when it is time to let something or someone go out of their lives.
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