Sometimes We Are Put Into A Person's Life To Help Build Them Up
Sometimes we are just put into a person's life to help build them up! In fact when we decide to enter into a persons life this should be our only motive! Why enter into somebody's life for any other reason? Too many of us have been beat down by life, and we just need someone to help us get back up on our feet so that we can continue to move forward again. If this makes a person love you because they get the opportunity to see how awesome of a person you are, then that is wonderful, but don't make that your number one motive.

Be a blessing to someone else so that someone may be a blessing unto you eventually. Don't do it just to make them love you! Once you show them the light that is inside of you, chances are they will love you for it anyways!

Sometimes We Are Only Given A Few Minutes To Spend With The One We Love
Sometimes, we are only given a few minutes to be with the one we love, and a thousand hours to spend thinking of them.
We may never really know why things are happening the way they do, and why we aren't given the time we wish we had with the people we love. Sometimes we are only given a limited amount of time to be with the one we love, and are left to spend what seems like an eternity thinking about them.
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The Ones That Walk Away, Are Only Making Room For The Ones That Won't
Bless the ones that walk away from you, they're just making room for the ones that won't.
Sometimes in life we have to decipher the time to be a true friend or the time to be a true lover, and realize when the time is to let go of someone who is in our lives. It has been said to believe who someone is the first time that they show you who they are, and to never hold on to someone who doesn't want to be held on to. When it comes down to it, many of us choose to hold on to people who dont want to be in our lives because we feel some amount of emptiness inside.
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Sometimes You Have To Forget What You Want To Remember What You Deserve
Sometimes you have to forget what you want to remember what you deserve.
There will be many times in our lives that we want things that will most likely only delay us from getting to the places we want to get to. For some, forgetting what we want to remember what we deserve may mean that making a commitment to pay a monthly car payment for five years, instead of driving a less desirable and less expensive car so that we can put this money towards better use for our future, an option that we must refuse until some more of our goals are reached.
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If Someone Really Cares, They Will Always Find Time For You
No matter how busy a person is, if they really care, they will always find time for you.
When a person is really interested in you, they will take time to show how interested they actually are in you! Anybody can give away a material object. You can give a person gold, money, or diamond rings if you have it to give, and may not even really worry about it, because material things can be bought over again. Once money is gone, a person will almost always have the opportunity to make the money that they once had, back.
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We Don't Know What We've Been Missing Until It Arrives
It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.
Sometimes we try to hold on to relationships that just aren't meant to last in our lives because we don't want to feel like we are going to lose out on the investment of our time, and the investment of all of the love that we gave to someone that we thought in our minds we would have around for a lifetime.
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Spend Life With Who Makes You Happy
Spend life with who makes you happy, not who you have to impress.
When we do things over and over again even though we know for a fact that they don't work, chances are you will never achieve the things in life that you want to, and this applies to every aspect of our lives, including our relationships.
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Don't Sacrifice Your Self Respect For A Relationship
I would rather be alone with dignity than in a relationship that requires me to sacrifice my self respect.
Sometimes we have to be willing to let go of the relationships that do us much more harm than good. Too many times we work so hard in life to only be discouraged and told by others that we should be grateful for even having them in our own lives. I would much rather be alone than deal with someone who makes me not want to feel loved.
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Karma In Relationships
If you leave someone for another person, don't be surprised if that person leaves you for someone else.
Some people just like to have their cake and they like to eat it too. Never make someone a priority that is only choosing to make you an option. You are better than that! You are a unique soul, a temple of righteousness, and a miracle of the almighty. Your life on Earth is limited and it is because of this that you shouldn't waste your time by giving it to others who have no desire to return it in an equal manner.
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Don't Miss The Opportunity To Tell Someone You Love Them
If you love someone, tell him or her. Forget about the rules or the fear of looking ridiculous. What is truly ridiculous is passing up on an opportunity to tell someone that your heart is invested in him or her.
Life is full of opportunity, if we don't seize the ones that we know our hearts want us to, then what exactly are we doing? We have to let our pride and ego in many instances in life, especially when it relates to showing our feelings to someone that we care about. We never really know what a person may say when we tell them that we love them, but we can't let that hold us back.
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Don't Be Reckless With Other Peoples Hearts
Don't be reckless with other people's hearts, and don't put up with people that are reckless with yours.
We have to learn to leave alone the people who will bring nothing more to our lives than torment. Sometimes we go through life, and we meet people that we establish connections with before or after we know that they probably aren't the best people for us to connect with, and continue to live our lives with them trying to turn them into who we want them to be.
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May 09
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