Always Put Your Fears Behind You
Conquering our fears is where we learn about courage and how it can dramatically change our lives if we are ever able to use the right dosages of it. Practicing courage in our every day lives is very essential to learning and living as a courageous person. Courage is a sort of muscle for the spirit and the mental parts of our bodies.

As we are more courageous our levels of faith increase, and as we are more courageous we are able to think more positively. Building a character out courageousness means that we must be willing to make bolder moves each day, and that we pay attention to our faith above all else.

Make the right choices each day that promote choosing courage over fear, and you will be able to receive the wisdom you truly need to be a success in every aspect of your life!

Fear Is Nothing More Than An Obstacle That Stands In The Way Of Progress
Fear is nothing more than an obstacle that stands in the way of progress. In overcoming our fears we can move forward stronger and wiser within ourselves.
Today is a good day to make a pledge to be determined to LOVE each day more than you are AFRAID of each day. When someone lives in fear in their life they truly miss out on a lot of what life has to offer. Living in fear can cause someone to dodge opportunity after opportunity because of a fear of failing. Instead of walking in fear one can make the choice to instead walk in love.
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Let Your Actions Be Louder Than Your Words
Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words, and your faith stronger than your feelings.
There may always be ideas in our heads, but until we are willing to go towards turning these ideas into reality these ideas will simply remain as ideas in our heads.
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Do What You Are Afraid To Do
I cheated on my fears, broke up with my doubts, got engaged to my faith and now I'm marrying my dreams.
Doing what we are afraid to do is a great way to tackle the parts of life that are hardest for us to discover. Any time that we let our fears hold us back in life, we teach our selves subliminally that if we let anything that we are afraid of conquer us, whether it be small or big, we may be content with being conquered by something that we are afraid of again later on in our lives. Capturing the whole essence of life is about taking risks as well as going for your dreams.
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Never Allow Your Fear To Grow Bigger Than Your Faith
You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.
One of the biggest reasons that many people don't live an extraordinary life is because they are too fearful to take a leap and believe in themselves. Over the years our society has been structured in a manner that makes it easier than any other time in history to be a success if you really desire to do so.
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Give As Much Energy To Your Dreams As You Do To Your Fears
Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears.
Miracles start to happen when you are willing to give more energy to your belief in the supernatural, instead of your belief in doubt and fear of things not happening supernaturally. Everyone gets a miracle sometimes. It may not come in the form of winning the lottery, or landing a seat in the Oprah show audience to win a new car, but we all have seen some type of miracle in our life.
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Faith Is Bigger Than Fear
Faith is bigger than fear.
In order to get what you really desire out of life, you have to be willing to have faith. If you don't believe it, you won't achieve it, and if you do believe it, you will. Believing that you will actually see the victory that you set out for, is hard to do when you are actually faced with adversity, but we have to remember that without adversity God cannot help our faith to grow.
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Don't Let Fear Run Your Life
Someday, maybe I'll stop letting fear run my life.
Fear can only ruin your life if you will allow for it to. In our lives we can try to bypass our fears by staying away from them as much as possible, but to truly conquer each fear we must step up to it, and take it on. We can only defeat something if we are willing to compete against it, and with a strong heart, a determined attitude, and an unbreakable will, there is nothing in this world we can't defeat if we give it our all.
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Never Hold Back How You Feel
If you hold back how you feel because you're afraid of getting hurt you end up hurt anyway.
Never hold back how you feel about someone or about a certain situation, especially if you know once the opportunity to make something with someone is ever taken from you because someone else beat you to the punch will ultimately hurt you anyway.
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Leave Your Fears Behind
Leave your fears behind.
Leave all of your fears behind. Fear not, for God is with you, and even when it seems that you are fighting alone and it seems that he is not listening nor that he is on time, he will arrive when you need him. Fear not, because you are a strong, courageous, and loved soul, and when it seems that everything is going against you, you will make away. Fear not, because there is rain, and there is sun, there are storms, and then it is clear, prettier days are coming your way.
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Release Your Fears
Go ahead and release your fears.
Releasing our fears is grabbing hold to our future. Many times what people fear most is the inevitable, change. Sometimes in order to fly we have to let go of the dead weight which are sometimes our own fears holding us down to the ground. Fear can lead to unwanted challenges, both physical and emotional in a life that is already filled with enough difficulty. Fears can severely hinder you from living your life to the fullest extent.
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