Take The First Step In Faith
In order for us to walk by faith we have to be willing to scoot along with one step at a time. When we are truly walking by faith we are walking not knowing what and where the road that we are on will lead us, but we are walking knowing that if we keep progressing one foot at a time, that eventually we will be rewarded for our faithfulness and will be brought into a life full of more light, understanding, wisdom, and more blessings. In order to walk by faith we must keep a smile on our faces, complaints out of our thoughts and out of our mouths, and we have to be willing to not only take the first step into the unknown, but we must be willing to continue to step and step until we are in the place that we know that we deserve to be in.

Have Faith
Have some faith in yourself.
People without faith in themselves are like a candle without a flame, though it may have a physical presence, it is not really living up to its full potential because it is not providing any light to the world. Having faith in one's own self is a quality that breeds more qualities.
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Keep Hope Alive
I still have hope for the road ahead.
Keeping the faith and keeping a hopeful positive attitude is one of the hardest yet most rewarding concepts to understand and to apply into our everyday lives. Through the roughest times in our lives it seems as though all we should and can do is give up. Keeping our heads up to the sky, and keeping a forward resolve, even through times of adversity is essential to making it to where we want to be in life. Remember that the greatest of people are those who overcame some of the greatest challenges that life had to offer.
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Valentine's Day Quote on Love
Love would never be a promise of a rose garden unless it is showered with the light of faith, water of sincerity and air of passion.
During this Valentine's Day, take a step back, and think about what makes your relationship successful. Faith, sincerity, and passion are all integral to a healthy, blossoming relationship. Also remember that if your relationship isn't blossoming, and if it isn't growing it may be a dying relationship, but that is not something a little bit of sincerity, faith and passion won't fix.
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May 05
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