We Must Be Willing To See Things As They Are
Just because you are willing to look past something doesn't mean that it isn't there. There are many ways to be fooled. But the main ways are to either believe in what isn't valid, or to refuse to accept what is actually true. To avoid being fooled we have to be willing to go with our gut, and avoid the warning signs of people who are solely forming relationships with us for their own personal come-ups and interests.

If we refuse to see things for what they really are, even when we realize what life is about then we also refuse to live the best life we may possibly live.

We should make a feverish attempt daily to gain wisdom everyday. We should make great attempts to understand what role the people who say that they are with us actually do play in our lives, and we should also steer clear of acting foolish and being fooled!

Do All Things With Love
Do all things with love.
Everything that you do should be done out of love. If we choose to live our life controlled by negative feelings influenced by negative thoughts, negative words, and negative actions, then not only would be living a life without love, we would be living a life with no other meaning but to cause pain in destruction in other people's lives.
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Inspiration Is Everywhere And Often In Unexpected Places
Inspiration is everywhere and often in unexpected places: you just have to keep your eyes open.
Through our lives we must be able to find the inspiration in everything that is around us so that we can help to inspire as well, and make this world a better place. To find inspiration in each day we must be willing to let go of our inhibitions sometimes, and just think positively. One thing about being inspired is that everyone has unique things that push certain buttons inside of them that will give them inspiration. It is very hard to stay inspired at all times, especially when struggles and hardship are there to bring you down by leaving you tired and uninspired.
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Learn From Yesterday, Live For Today, Hope For Tomorrow
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to never stop questioning.
Life is full of questions, and I would venture to say that our whole lives are truly dedicated to living and exploring new questions after we have already answered previous ones. There should always be new questions that every man should want answered, and there should always be new places that every man desires to go. If we aren't willing to keep challenging ourselves we will never allow for ourselves to be the best person we possibly can be.
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Love Has No Eyes But Love Is Not Blind
Love knows no reasons, love knows no lies, love defies all reasons. Love has no eyes but love is not blind. Love sees but doesn't mind.
Love is such a powerful force that if it isn't suspended or stopped early in a relationship, its subsequent effects will be inevitable. We aren't always able to choose when we love, and who we love, a lot of times, life, and love, happen. Love is a binding agent between two souls and two hearts, connecting them in at least some ways, forever.
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Seize Every Opportunity That Life Offers You
If you prepare yourself at every point as well as you canyou will be able to grasp opportunity for broader experience when it appears.
When you prepare greatly for every aspect in life, it may seem as though what luck you have greatly increases. Staying on top of the crazy horned bull that we call life can be a difficult task, and is a task that we have that will cause us to fall off at certain points.
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Don't Wait Too Long To Love Someone
Maybe one day, I'll be what you need. But don't wait too long.. Because the day you want me, may be the day I've finally given up.
Waiting too long to love somebody the way in which they deserved to be loved can sometimes cause dire consequences in the long run. Different people in life want different things, and some desire a loving relationship when they feel as though they have potentially met the right partner to engage in a loving relationship with.
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Enjoy The Little Things In Life
Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.
Doing the little things in life will take you across the biggest mountains, as long as you are consistent in doing them throughout your lifetime. A little can become a lot, but one must take his or her life into their own hands. Nobody can make your life better than you can make it if you are willing to give it a solid try.
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Your Life Is A Result Of The Choices You Make
Your life is a result of the choices you make... If you don't like your life it is time to start making better choices.
Your life and the memories that you leave behind for others by the time you are gone, are are of God's own design, and can be manipulated in whatever ways you choose for them to be, because we are all given choices. This world is your canvas and you can paint your life however you choose to. Be yourself, and only yourself. Find the things that you love to do, and do them with all of your heart! Give yourself a good chance to change the world by the time you leave it.
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A Problem Is A Chance For You To Do Your Best
A problem is a chance for you to do your best.
Doing your best is first sparked by being yourself. If you can't plant seeds that will bear fruit that you have no appetite for, you won't eat, and when you don't eat, you starve. Your happiness is determined by a lot of things, but at the root of it all you have to learn how to be yourself, and learn how to live a life working towards becoming your best "self".
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Always Concentrate On How Far You've Come
Always concentrate on how far you've come. Rather than how far you have left to go.
Your end is nowhere in sight, even when you think that your world is coming crashing down. Each day that you are given new breaths to breathe, and new steps to walk is a new day to transform in the most beautiful form of yourself. Coming into your own isn't always something that comes easy to most people but it is something that you have to do so that you may best affect the world in your own way.
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May 09
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