Great Minds Have Purpose
A purpose driven life is a life driven with a motive. If you ever want to be happy you really have to do some soul searching throughout your early years to be able to move towards the life you really want. A purposeful mind is much larger than a mind that is just willing to wish, because not only can it see the impossible, but it can also move close to receiving the impossible.

Just because you have a vision for yourself doesnt at all mean that you are living out your vision. We have to be able to follow who we are on the inside, and the road to becoming who we desire to be will become as clear as day. We aren't all blessed with vision, but those who are must realize that having a wish isnt good enough; we have to be willing to try and live out our dreams.

If You Doubt Anything, Doubt Your Limitations
If you are going to doubt something, doubt your limitations.
There will always be that small voice that the Bible itself calls the voice of the accuser that you will hear in an effort to get you to doubt yourself. The greatest people to ever have walked this Earth are those who were willing to do what their own thoughts argued against them doing.
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Everyone Shows Love Differently
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with everything they got.
As humans, it is inevitable that we will encounter relationships in our lives that we don't fully understand. The relationships that are formed with people, especially the relationships that we form with people when we are younger, give us the experiences we use later on in life to form the newer relationships. When we are older and have more experiences, and are just meeting people who are in the same boat, the way that we treat each other may not always be fully parallel or copacetic, as we may desire. This should not always be a deterrent to developing new relationships for it is in these times that great relationships can be formed.
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Don't Depend Too Much On Anyone In This World
Don't depend too much on anyone in this world. Because even your shadow leaves you when you're in darkness.
In life one of the easiest things that a person can do is put off all of their responsibility on someone else. Even in my experience I have found that sometimes people want you to lead them, not because they feel lost, but because they are too lazy to lead themselves.
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Be Careful With Your Words
Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can be only forgiven, not forgotten.
The powers in our words are very powerful despite what people choose to realize. Many times we speak without even thinking about we are saying until we actually utter the words, and some speak without any concern of the words they speak because they feel as though words have no power or influence.
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What Ever You Decide To Do, Make Sure It Makes You Happy
What ever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy.
Sometimes in our lives we are faced to make the right decisions, and we must use our own sets of values when other laws just aren't capable of pointing us in the right direction. Never compromise the right decisions. Always remember that just because you don't see anyone around, that being a real hero and a real inspiration requires you to not even think about doing what is right, and instead requires you to what is right without even thinking about it.
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There Are No Shortcuts To Any Place Worth Going
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.
One thing that we must learn in life is that there are really no short cuts to working hard and dedicating our life to achieving our dreams. There may be many shortcuts that are available to us, but ultimately these shortcuts are just paths that others have already beaten down before us. If we are really adamant about achieving our dreams in the manner that we desire, we have to be willing to follow exactly what is in our hearts to do, even if this means that we are subject to taking the longest most difficult road to get there.
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Watch Your Words For They Become Your Actions
Watch your thoughts for they become your words. Watch your words for they become your actions. Watch your actions for they become your habits. Watch your habits for they become your character. Watch your character for they become your destiny.
There is death and life in the power of the tongue though many of us unwillingly underestimate the power of our words. Words have tremendous power, especially if they are heard over and over again, and are instilled into a persons psyche. Words are like a powerful drug, because they have the power to either influence and inspire growth or to help cause destruction, words can weigh heavy on a person, and words may also help to liberate a person
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If You Judge People You Have No Time To Love Them
Before you judge me by my life, my past or my character... Walk in my shoes, walk the path I have traveled, live my sorrow, my doubts, my fear, my pain, and my laughter...
Judging others is one of the most destructive tools that we can use on ourselves. Many of us don't realize it, but when we judge others, and make our judgments known to the world, we signify to the world that we are willing and open to be judged as well. As everyone is able and inevitably makes mistakes, when we choose to judge others, the scope we have on our own lives for when we make our own mistakes will be magnified 10 times greater.
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Never Stop Learning Because Life Never Stops Teaching
Never stop learning because life never stops teaching.
As we continue to progress in our everyday lives, we must realize that life will continue to unfold the more that we are willing to push and pursue the gaining of wisdom and knowledge in our everyday lives, the more that we will eventually understand and will be able to apply to every aspect in our lives.
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Choose To Be Positive and Have a Grateful Attitude
Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life.
One big hump that we must all get over in our lives is dealing with the impossible. As we face life, and as we encounter both the good and the bad, we have to realize that a positive attitude is the key to becoming invincible in life and is also key to accomplishing what many feel is impossible.
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Apr 26
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