Don't Depend Too Much On Anyone In This World
In life one of the easiest things that a person can do is put off all of their responsibility on someone else. Even in my experience I have found that sometimes people want you to lead them, not because they feel lost, but because they are too lazy to lead themselves.

When you are willing to depend on someone else's plans to run your own life, you have to really consider the fact that you have a big problem. Your life is just as important as the next man!

It is definitely ok to learn from people, and to be motivated and inspired by people, but to depend on someone else for your own well being when you are perfectly capable of doing what you need to do for yourself on your own, is no way to live. Make your own plans, do the things that you want to do in life, this is the only way to discover real joy and fulfillment.


Be Careful With Your Words
Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can be only forgiven, not forgotten.
The powers in our words are very powerful despite what people choose to realize. Many times we speak without even thinking about we are saying until we actually utter the words, and some speak without any concern of the words they speak because they feel as though words have no power or influence.
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There Are No Shortcuts To Any Place Worth Going
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.
One thing that we must learn in life is that there are really no short cuts to working hard and dedicating our life to achieving our dreams. There may be many shortcuts that are available to us, but ultimately these shortcuts are just paths that others have already beaten down before us. If we are really adamant about achieving our dreams in the manner that we desire, we have to be willing to follow exactly what is in our hearts to do, even if this means that we are subject to taking the longest most difficult road to get there.
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If You Judge People You Have No Time To Love Them
Before you judge me by my life, my past or my character... Walk in my shoes, walk the path I have traveled, live my sorrow, my doubts, my fear, my pain, and my laughter...
Judging others is one of the most destructive tools that we can use on ourselves. Many of us don't realize it, but when we judge others, and make our judgments known to the world, we signify to the world that we are willing and open to be judged as well. As everyone is able and inevitably makes mistakes, when we choose to judge others, the scope we have on our own lives for when we make our own mistakes will be magnified 10 times greater.
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Never Stop Learning Because Life Never Stops Teaching
Never stop learning because life never stops teaching.
As we continue to progress in our everyday lives, we must realize that life will continue to unfold the more that we are willing to push and pursue the gaining of wisdom and knowledge in our everyday lives, the more that we will eventually understand and will be able to apply to every aspect in our lives.
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Choose To Be Positive and Have a Grateful Attitude
Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life.
One big hump that we must all get over in our lives is dealing with the impossible. As we face life, and as we encounter both the good and the bad, we have to realize that a positive attitude is the key to becoming invincible in life and is also key to accomplishing what many feel is impossible.
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Tough Times Don't Last, Tough People Do
Tough times don't last, tough people do.
Sometimes after we experience painful situations in life, we have to come to realize that getting past them in our minds completely will just take some time. In this time one thing that is very helpful to allow us to cope and to grieve with the pain of losing someone or something in our lives that we expected to be there forever is that if we work on ourselves, and improve spiritually, emotionally, and physically, we will help ourselves to realize that we are made better because of what we have been through, and that life doesn't stop just because certain circumstances have made their way into our lives.
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Be Honest With Yourself At All Times
Being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it'll always get you the right ones.
In a world full of dishonesty, not only are those who are full of honesty rare, they are really jewels to today's society. Don't go out of your way to hide the truth, instead go out of your way to make the truth be known. Don't lie to yourself, be honest with yourself at all times, and know that doing so will lead to you making much more significant strides in your life than you would have if you decided to be dishonest.
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There's Still Good People In The People
The world seems dark and ugly sometimes. But there are still good things in it, and good people.
Despite the fact that there is so much bad in this world, we have to realize that this world is a huge world, and for every bad force, there is a force of good that will outshine its dark counterpart. All that it takes is for a little amount of light, a small amount of energy in any given place that is completely dark to help light up the place. This is significant because it shows us that even though there are a lot of bad people in the world, there are those who live to do as much good to the world as possible.
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Live Your Life Each Day As You Would Climb A Mountain
Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point.
In an effort to not only survive but to also thrive in life, we must be willing to not always take the easiest way around the mountains that stand in our way, but we must be willing to climb the mountains that lie in our way. For the most part in life the best way out is to go through your problems.
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Do Not Let The Opinions Of Others Consume You
Do not let the opinions of others consume you.
When we choose to let the opinions of others matter too much to us, then we are choosing to let their opinions consume us. Instead of living your life worried about what others may think or feel about what you are doing, live your life to the best of your ability, with the things that are in your heart and not someone else's heart.
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May 12
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