Love As Much As You Live
One of the most effective antidotes to the stresses of life is laughing a good laugh, and loving as much as we can while we live. When we hear laughter, we associate whatever situation we are in, with happiness, at least usually. When we just let go of our fears, and allow ourselves to be happy, even in the worst of times, it can change the playing field quickly.

Choosing to love as much as we live is like the second of the 1-2 punches when you are trying to defeat whatever despair lies ahead of you. Since God is Love, if we just devote ourselves to keeping a loving, and positive attitude while at all possible, we will easily be able to conquer life as we know it. Make an effort today to keep love in your heart, no matter what hate is thrown in your path, and to keep laughing, even when the world tries its hardest to steal your smile.

Love One Another
Always tell the truth, use kind words, keep your promises, giggle and laugh, stay happy and be positive, love one another, always be grateful, forgiveness is mandatory, give thanks for everything, try new things, say please and thank you, smile.
There are many things that we should try to make a part of our daily routine, and way of living, that of course, we won't always be able to do, but we have to make sure that we at least try. We should always be truthful; because when we are truthful we will never have to worry about covering up or getting caught in a lie.
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Distance Is Not For The Fearful, It's For The Bold
Distance is not for the fearful, it is for the bold. It's for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a little time with the one they love. It's for those knowing a good thing when they see it, even if they dont see it nearly enough.
When you enter into a long distance relationship, or you enter into a relationship that you know won't afford much time to spend with each other, you have to really be bold, and trust that the person you are entering into this relationship with has similar standards, and most importantly has the same interests as you before doing so.
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Live Right Now, Just Be Yourself
Live right now just be yourself it doesn't matter if its good enough for someone else.
Living a life in the effort to please everyone else will only give you a life in which you live as a coward and die a thousand deaths. Instead of living this harsh reality, be valiant, act as yourself, and you will only die once.
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The Way You Treat Yourself Sets The Standard For Others
The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others on how you demand to be treated. Don't settle for anything other than respect.
If you allow for subpar standards in your life, don't shrink or get aggravated when people treat you in a subpar manner. Many of us don't recognize exactly how much greatness that we actually have on the inside of ourselves, and too many times we get caught up in trying to please everyone by telling ourselves no, that we start to lose ourselves, and end up frustrated in the end.
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Love Knows No Distance
Love knows no distance.
When you really love someone, there is no amount of distance between you two that can stop you from loving him or her. Real love doesn't just fade away or turn off like the switching on and off of a light, even though many of us would like for it to when things start to go wrong, or when the love you feel is causing you pain, but we must remember that there are always risks in giving someone your heart.
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Be Yourself And Quit Trying To Be Everyone Else
Be yourself and quit trying to be everyone else.
One of the most intriguing quotes about a person's individualism is by the philosopher Lao Tzu who once stated, "He who is able to conquer others is powerful; he who is able to conquer himself, is more powerful."
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Be Who You Are
Be weird. Be random. Be who you are. Because you never know who would love the person you hide.
The perception of who you are is something that we must always be aware of. Who are you? This is a question we should all ask ourselves on occasion? Give yourself a good answer, and be honest with yourself! Yes you have bad qualities, just as you have good qualities. You have strange qualities, just as you probably have some normal qualities as well.
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You Have To Love Yourself To Love Others
It's surprising how many people go through life without ever recognizing that their feelings toward other people are largely determined by their feelings toward themselves, and if you're not comfortable within yourself, you can't be comfortable with others.
Many people choose to hate other people because they hate themselves. When you are able to honestly love yourself for who you are, you will find a peace and understanding that not too many people have found or will find. Just because you are going through turmoil in your life, doesn't mean that you should be the cause of turmoil in someone else's life.
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Don't Miss The Opportunity To Tell Someone You Love Them
If you love someone, tell him or her. Forget about the rules or the fear of looking ridiculous. What is truly ridiculous is passing up on an opportunity to tell someone that your heart is invested in him or her.
Life is full of opportunity, if we don't seize the ones that we know our hearts want us to, then what exactly are we doing? We have to let our pride and ego in many instances in life, especially when it relates to showing our feelings to someone that we care about. We never really know what a person may say when we tell them that we love them, but we can't let that hold us back.
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Don't Be Reckless With Other Peoples Hearts
Don't be reckless with other people's hearts, and don't put up with people that are reckless with yours.
We have to learn to leave alone the people who will bring nothing more to our lives than torment. Sometimes we go through life, and we meet people that we establish connections with before or after we know that they probably aren't the best people for us to connect with, and continue to live our lives with them trying to turn them into who we want them to be.
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May 09
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