Make The Best Of Everything
Being ideal doesn't mean that one will always be perfect, but it does mean that no matter how a situation may end up, that a person is willing to make the best of it regardless.

Instead of wallowing in your sorrow whenever things don't go as planned, be sure to make the best out of each situation. When life gets embarrassing, don't be too proud to let out a laugh, crack a smile, speak to keep a positive attitude. Instead of relying on a situation to turn around on its own, be the positive spark that a situation needs to change from negative to positive.

Never use negative words, continue to use your faith no matter how dreary a situation may seem, just because you are experiencing storms in your life today, doesn't mean that the sun wont shine bright in the morning. Keep your head up!

Life Is Too Short To Be Anything But Happy
Life is too short to be anything but happy. Love deeply, forgive quickly, take chances, give everything with no regrets and forget the past with exception of what you have learned and remembered everything happens for a reason.
Those who are strong don't make it their mission to hurt others, or to seek out to find who may hurt them. Those who are strong realize that there are things in life that you simply can't control, including the fact that there will be people in your life that will hurt you, and that there will also always be people in your life that will disappoint you.
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Don't Waste A Minute Not Being Happy
Don't waste a minute not being happy. If one window closes, run to the next window- or break down a door.
Happiness is not a onetime stop, being happy is an attitude that must stay with you in every place that you go in life. Those who are truly happy are happy when they are afraid, because they know that ultimately everything is going to be all right. Those who are truly happy are happy when they fail because they know once they get back up and try again they have a better chance of overcoming whatever obstacle may be in their way. Those who are happy are peaceful in times of stress because they know that keeping a positive upbeat attitude is one of the only ways to make the feelings of stress in their lives subside.
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Do What Makes You Happy
Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.
In an effort to do what makes us the most happy we have to be brave enough to do what our hearts tell us to do. There will be people around us, and some may even call their selves our friends, but we must be able to understand that those who are our true friends, are those who offer us encouragement to follow our hearts, and not their own will.
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Make The Decision To Be Happy Despite It All
You can't wait for all of your problems to be solved. You have to make a decision to be happy despite it all.
Being happy is a choice that you have to decide to make each day. Every day is a day that we have to choose to rise with grace, and class, on a mission with focus, and a resolve that can't be broken or disturbed. Make it a point to renew yourself everyday and to make each day different, but productive in the same sense.
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Don't Let Past Relationships Ruin Your Future Happiness
Don't let past relationships ruin your future happiness, scars remind us of where we've been, not where we are going.
When you come to the realization that what is done is done you open yourself up to truly living instead of just carrying on.
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Never Be Ashamed Of What You Feel
Never be ashamed of what you feel. You have the right to feel any emotion that you want, and to do what makes you happy.
The things in life that burn inside of us the deepest are going to lead us to our destiny, and to places of fulfillment we would never reach if we never used our hearts. When people say that every bit of happiness you are going to find lies in you and with Gods plan for your life they are not steering you in the wrong direction.
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Expect Nothing, But Be Open For Anything
Try and expect nothing, but be open for anything. Don't look for happiness, but don't settle for anything less.
One big tool that many people use in business is the act of under-promising and over-delivering. This act encourages an entity that is providing a service or product to a customer to knowingly promise a customer that they can only provide them with about half of what they know they are truly able to provide them with, and then over-delivering with a bigger or better product or service to please the customer more effectively.
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New Beginnings Vs Happy Endings
If you're still looking for a happy ending I suggest you start searching for a new beginning.
Have you ever noticed that the unhappiest people seem to be those who have nothing to look forward to in their lives? One potent example of a certain people whos lives end up crashing down after a while are those parents who dedicate nothing to their lives but raising their children, and forget about nurturing the relationship that they have with their spouse as their seed grows.
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They Say You Don't Know What You Have Until It's Gone But...
They say you don't know what you have until it's gone. But the truth is, you knew exactly what you had; you just thought you'd never lose it.
Its true that sometimes we really don't know what we have until we lose it, but it is also true that we never may know the things in life that we have lacked in until they arrives. In order to live your best life sometimes you are faced with having to let go of things in your life that you never thought that you would have to let go of. The things in life that make us happy are things in life that we must take proper care of, but are things that sometimes die for reasons that have nothing to do with our own lives.
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Don't Live Your Life Trying To Please Other People
You can't find true happiness if you live your life trying to please other people.
Sometimes it takes getting away from it all to really see the world for what it is. As time passes, and as we spend more time with people we start to realize that our thoughts can sometimes turn into a jumbled mess, of their convictions mixed with our own.
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May 12
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