Never Be Ashamed Of What You Feel
The things in life that burn inside of us the deepest are going to lead us to our destiny, and to places of fulfillment we would never reach if we never used our hearts. When people say that every bit of happiness you are going to find lies in you and with God's plan for your life they are not steering you in the wrong direction.

Ultimately there comes a point in everyone's life where they must decide if the things that they are doing in their lives are what they really want to be doing in their lives deep down. If we find that something we are doing brings out the passion inside of us, and leaves us fulfilled at the end of the day, chances are it is something that we should probably continue to do. While if something that we are dedicating part of ourselves to is making us unhappy, and leaving us unfulfilled at the end of each day, chances are it is not something that we should continue to do.

Expect Nothing, But Be Open For Anything
Try and expect nothing, but be open for anything. Don't look for happiness, but don't settle for anything less.
One big tool that many people use in business is the act of under-promising and over-delivering. This act encourages an entity that is providing a service or product to a customer to knowingly promise a customer that they can only provide them with about half of what they know they are truly able to provide them with, and then over-delivering with a bigger or better product or service to please the customer more effectively.
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New Beginnings Vs Happy Endings
If you're still looking for a happy ending I suggest you start searching for a new beginning.
Have you ever noticed that the unhappiest people seem to be those who have nothing to look forward to in their lives? One potent example of a certain people whos lives end up crashing down after a while are those parents who dedicate nothing to their lives but raising their children, and forget about nurturing the relationship that they have with their spouse as their seed grows.
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They Say You Don't Know What You Have Until It's Gone But...
They say you don't know what you have until it's gone. But the truth is, you knew exactly what you had; you just thought you'd never lose it.
Its true that sometimes we really don't know what we have until we lose it, but it is also true that we never may know the things in life that we have lacked in until they arrives. In order to live your best life sometimes you are faced with having to let go of things in your life that you never thought that you would have to let go of. The things in life that make us happy are things in life that we must take proper care of, but are things that sometimes die for reasons that have nothing to do with our own lives.
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Don't Live Your Life Trying To Please Other People
You can't find true happiness if you live your life trying to please other people.
Sometimes it takes getting away from it all to really see the world for what it is. As time passes, and as we spend more time with people we start to realize that our thoughts can sometimes turn into a jumbled mess, of their convictions mixed with our own.
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Love Yourself Before Loving Someone Else
You can never be happy as someones other half unless you can be happy as a whole all on your own.
A real true love is having the knowledge that one must be able to have a perfect love inside of their self. Love that we can only find in God, and a love that we will most likely never find in other men.
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Love Is Your Destiny
Love is your destiny, everything else is a detour on the road of life, that takes you away from your goal of happiness.
If you ever want to help someone live their life, just give them love. We tend to overcomplicate relationships by giving a person the best advice we can think of, or by offering them ultimatums and attempting to make them choose standards for their selves that we want for ourselves.
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Happiness Can Be Found, Even In The Darkest Of Times
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
Instead of focusing on the situation and how it is in this present moment, be sure to engage and act so that things may become better for you.
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Life Is Much Too Short To Sit Around Dwelling In Unhappiness
Life is much too short to sit around dwelling in unhappiness, and being miserable. Every day is a joyous occasion, be sure to allow yourself to live like it.
Though your life may not be perfect, you have to realize that no one's life is. Though you may not have everything that you want out of life, or everything that you think you deserve you have to be willing to know that no one truly gets every single thing that they desire in the exact manner that they want it.
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Make The Decision To Be Happy
I have decided to be happy because it is good for my health.
There is nothing worse than being unhappy because you have decided to let your circumstances decide what you feel inside. Until you really decide that you want to be happy, you never really will. Until you decide to hang around positive people with positive mindsets, your mindset will probably be heavily influenced to be negative.
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Just Be Happy
Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.
Just being happy is something that we can all do. Often times we look at the things we don't have and we complain, instead of being grateful for the life that we already have, and the fact that our lives will always have the potential to get better.
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