The Darkest Night Is Often The Bridge To The Brightest Tomorrow
Many times we see the act of venturing into the unknown, as a fearful journey, even though most times we don't really have to. Sometimes life has to be written out and exact. If you don't start planning your course while you are in the dark to go into the light for a better tomorrow, then sadly you never will see a better tomorrow.

God made us all with a purpose for us in mind, and if we ever want to see it, we have to continue to have faith, and act from this faith.

If we ever want to see the dreams and goals we have hoped all of our lives to see, we have to be willing to believe when it all seems hopeless. Persevere! Never lose yourself, for simply that is the easy way out! Where you are, will only be temporary, if you continue to believe with a whole heart!

Just Be Happy
Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.
Just being happy is something that we can all do. Often times we look at the things we don't have and we complain, instead of being grateful for the life that we already have, and the fact that our lives will always have the potential to get better.
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Dream Of Tomorrow But Always Live For Today
Dream of tomorrow but always live for today.
Living in the present isn't always the easiest way for a person to really get the most out of their lives. So often we see life unfolding in the present, but at the same time we allow the present to slip away from us.
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Don't Worry Just Breath, If It's Meant To Be It Will Find A Way
Don't worry, just breathe. If it's meant to be, it will find a way.
Take your time to breath. Relationships are not always easy things to go through, especially relationships that are paused with no conclusion or continuation in sight. Instead of worrying about things that you may not be exactly ready or able to change at the moment, take some time out to work on yourself.
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There Is Something Good In Every Day
Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.
Finding the good in each day isn't always the easiest thing to do, but it is necessary to do so that we may take full advantage of our waking lives. People who are the most grateful tend to be the ones with the most happiness filled inside. On your quest to live a life full of joy, you must be able discern situations and look for solutions more than problems, and for good more than bad.
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You Must Make A Choice To Take A Chance Or Your Life Will Never Change
You must make a "choice" to take a "chance" or your life will never "change".
If you ever want to get to where you really want to be you have to be willing to make the choices and take the chances. Nothing really worth having in life comes super easy. Without being willing to take a few risks, and make a few choices that may not be the most popular choices, chances are you won't see all of the success and greatness you are destined to.
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Hundreds Of Problems, Millions Of Blessings
Hundreds of problems, millions of blessings.
Being able to focus on your blessings in life is a blessing in itself. There are people who die every day not realizing their full potential because they were never able to change their way of thinking. We should never go through life focusing on the parts of life that we didn't enjoy in the past, and fearing that we won't enjoy the future.
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Don't Confuse Your Path With Your Destination
Don't confuse your path with your destination. Just because it's stormy now doesn't mean that you aren't headed for sunshine.
Many of us have heard people say that tough times don't last, but tough people do. It is so hard for some people to even identify themselves as tough people, because compared to adversity that others have faced; their adversity doesn't seem as humungous.
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A Day Without Laughter Is A Day Wasted
A day without laughter is a day wasted. Charlie Chaplin
Laughter is one of the best nutrients a person can get in a day. Not only is laughter therapeutic for the soul, it is also helpful in building rapport with others, strengthening relationships, and it is helpful in bringing down our own personal stress levels.
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Sometimes The Things We Can't Change, End Up Changing Us
Sometimes, the things we can't change end up changing us.
If you wait too long to make the changes that you know are in your heart to make, many times your heart will be broken. Refusing to change for many people means that instead of growing and becoming who they should be eventually, that they shrivel up like a flower without water and end up slowly dying.
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Don't Wish Away Your Days Waiting For Better Ones Ahead
The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days waiting for better ones ahead.
One fact of life is, you are a miracle. The fact that you have the breath to continue to go after your dreams, the fact that you have enough life to live another day, no matter how bad the days in the past actually were, is evidence enough that we shouldn't wish our days away waiting for better ones.
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