Life Aint Always Beautiful
This quote is from Gary Allan's song "Life Aint Always Beautiful" and we must realize that he is exactly right, because life isn't always beautiful. Life isn't always going to go the way that you want it to go, the plans you want to happen won't always work out the way that you wanted them to work out, but everything will always work out the way it does for a reason.

We may not always be experiencing good times, and it may seem as though happiness will never into your life but if we just hold on to the roller coaster we know as life we will realize that our happiness is around the corner. We must learn to just cherish change and the hardships that we encounter in our lives because they make us stronger and wiser, and keep the mind set that not everyday will be peachy, but we must try to make the best out of each and every situation, and stay progressing forward!

Fools Use Tomorrow, Wise Use Today
Fools use tomorrow. Wise use today.
Carpe Diem is a famous Latin term meaning to "seize the day." A lot of us are guilty of one of the biggest sins a man can commit, procrastination. As this fortune states, only fools will be reliant upon making things happen tomorrow, while those with wisdom will use every minute of every day in order to make the things happen that they want to make happen. When we tell ourselves that we are going to make things happen at a later time, we may be depriving ourselves from achieving our goals and aspirations forever.
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Make Today Ridiculously Amazing
Make today ridiculously amazing.
Make today an amazing day, for your life is way too short not to make everyday as amazing as possible. There are thousands of things that you can do in order to make your day amazing. Try helping out someone who is less fortunate than you. Homeless shelters, and orphanages for abandoned children are usually always accepting volunteers to help out around their organizations.
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New Beginnings In Life
Every story has an end. But in life every ending is just a new beginning.
In the movies and in books it seems as fairy tale endings are plausible, and that somehow our lives can mirror these endings in some fashion if we just work hard enough at our lives. In reality, life offers no endings, just new beginnings. Just because you finish school doesn't mean that you should stop learning, it just means that you have to learn things in different ways, and more than likely make a more concerted effort to learn new things.
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Cherish Every Moment
Cherish every moment.
Every moment that passes by is a moment that we will never get back. It should be a huge priority for everyone to cherish every moment that we possibly can. Make sure that you spend that time with your loved ones. Yes, it is important to work, but sometimes sacrifices must be made in order to just be there for the people that we love, and that know really need our support.
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Life Is Too Short To Be Unhappy
Life is too short to be unhappy.
Seeking to be fulfilled and happy is probably one of the most important goals that we should aim for throughout our lives. When we learn about ourselves earlier on in life we then realize who we are and what we are passionate about. Whether we choose to pursue these passions then falls on us.
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Seize The Day
Whatever you want to do, do it, there are only so many tomorrows.
Seize the day that you are living in. When we make it a habit of putting off doing what we love, we send a message to ourselves basically saying that we aren't important. Life is really too short not to love every moment of it. Spend time exploring who you are at your heart's level. Make time to follow your dreams, and achieve the goals that you know you want to achieve.
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Just Stay Strong
Just stay strong.
Staying strong is one of the hardest things we must do in life. When we are persevering we must remember that anyone can give up when faced with hardship, that is the easiest way out of any situation. Life is full of adversity and challenges; they are the part of the journey towards our dreams that shape us into who we are. Don't be overcome by the thought of not being able to conquer the obstacles in your path and just turn around.
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Never Regret Anything
Never regret anything because at one time it was exactly what you wanted.
Living life with regrets is in a sense, not really living life. Picture yourself trying to drive somewhere. Do you think that you would be able to make it safely from point a to point b by staring into the rearview mirror the whole drive? Of course not! We must use this as an example to the way we live our lives.
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Life Is A Climb
Life is a climb, but the view is great.
Every time you go through turmoil, through a tough situation, unexpected setbacks, or tragic losses it is easy to put your head down and stop going forward. Instead what you have to do is think as positive as you can of the situation, because all that it truly is is a step closer to greatness. Nobody said it would be easy.
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Tomorrow Is Not Promised
Why are you always waiting, tomorrow isn't guaranteed.
The feeling and notion that some put their faith in, that tomorrow will be the day that they choose to do the things that they know they need to do today in their hearts, is a feeling that will eventually leave them very regretful. Why wait on tomorrow? Everything that you can attempt tomorrow is usually something that you can attempt today. Waiting on tomorrow is like playing with fire.
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May 14
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