Life Is A Climb
Every time you go through turmoil, through a tough situation, unexpected setbacks, or tragic losses it is easy to put your head down and stop going forward. Instead what you have to do is think as positive as you can of the situation, because all that it truly is is a step closer to greatness. Nobody said it would be easy.

We all go through different situations ranging from dealing with loneliness, bad break ups, the loss of close loved ones, falling short of a dream, and a host of other circumstances. The way that we continue on with life is the true test of us a person. Will you let your circumstances defeat you? Or will you step on top of and over your circumstances in order to continue pushing forward? Keep positive influences around you at all times. There are some who will doubt what you are capable of after seeing you lose a battle in life, so prove those naysayers wrong. Stay positive, and keep climbing the long staircase we know of as life!

Tomorrow Is Not Promised
Why are you always waiting, tomorrow isn't guaranteed.
The feeling and notion that some put their faith in, that tomorrow will be the day that they choose to do the things that they know they need to do today in their hearts, is a feeling that will eventually leave them very regretful. Why wait on tomorrow? Everything that you can attempt tomorrow is usually something that you can attempt today. Waiting on tomorrow is like playing with fire.
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Living A Creative Life
To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.
Being creative is all about being as radical as possible. Not in the sense of we should fight the government or anything, but in the sense of we should be ourselves in everything that we do, with no holds barred. We simply don't have time to waste trying to be right; all that we should focus our time on being is ourselves to the max.
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Life Is Like A Piano
Life is like a piano, what you get out of it depends on how you play it.
It isn't really too hard of a concept for one to grasp. Essentially what you put into life, will determine the results that you will obtain in the future. When you work hard, with unrelenting hope and focus, you will achieve more desirable rewards than if you did the opposite. Playing life the way that you want to play it is a choice that you must make on a continuous basis.
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Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say
And that's the thing about people who mean everything they say. They think everyone else does too.
Not everyone means everything they say. This is a tough life lesson to learn, especially to those people who grew up instilled with principles of honesty and integrity deeply embedded in their psyche. As we face the real world, we would like to think that everyone is honest, and has the best intentions, but this is simply not true. We have to take the world for what it is.
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Love People, Not Things; Use Things, Not People
What most people need to learn in life is how to love people and use things instead of using people and loving things.
When we think about it with a pure effort we realize that the only things that truly matter in life are the things that we do to bless others, and that the only thing that will truly matter when we leave this earth are our relationships with the people around us we develop, and our relationship with God. When we use people we pretty much wreck our relationships with those people. Relationships are supposed to be built on solid ground, and using people for certain things doesn't allow for a solid foundation to a relationship at all.
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Life Is About Creating Yourself
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
Life is all about your lifelong journey of becoming the person that you want to become. Every one of us has a purpose, and we are called to be somebody that we must find. Doing so is truly not a task that everyone takes up, and that everyone completes but it surely is one that should be taken seriously. Life isn't about finding yourself. It is about creating yourself.
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Love Life
Love life. Love the people in your life. Live how you want. Never give up on your dreams, they are all you got. -Garrett Nickelsen
Even through all of its stresses, challenges, and difficulties, love your life. Think about the good rather than the bad, and when it seems to be all bad, think about the good in the bad that you are experiencing. Love the people in your life, show care, selflessness, and compassion to those that you love, and those who you feel may be in your life for the remainder of it. Live how you want, only you know what you truly want out of life.
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It's The Little Moments That Make Life Big
It's the little moments that make life big.
Too many times in our lives we forget to take the little moments in, because we seem to only concern ourselves with the big ones that we hope for. While big moments in our lives are certainly special, we still must remember that what will matter in the future will be the memories we make for ourselves. Sometimes small moments such as dinner time with the family, or outings with the people we love, give us supreme closeness and unity with the people we love way more than before. Do the little things.
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This Life Is A Beautiful War
This life is a beautiful war.
Life is a beautiful war. Life is beautiful in so many ways, beginning with the creation of a human life, one of the most beautiful things if not the most beautiful thing in life, period. Life is filled with beautiful moments like the marriage of two individuals, the passing of hope to each other, and the relationships that we build that stem from moments that we never would of thought could turn into blossoming friendships. It is a beautiful war because we are always at war with something in the midst of beauty around us. Whether we are at war with ourselves trying to conquer things like self-esteem and the use of self-confidence.
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Second Chances Are Rare, Use Your First Chance Wisely
Second chances are rare, use your first chance wisely.
Some of us have gone through life getting chance after chance, after we fail because of a lack of effort, and a lack of motivation. Whatever the reason may be, we must always go at life and seize every opportunity that we know is for us the first time that they are presented to us. Too many times we rely on giving lackadaisical efforts on our first attempts because we feel as though we will have another chance to do better, and make it up, if our first attempt isn't successful.
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