Never Regret A Day In Your Life
Experience is one of the most valuable tools that we have to use as we age and go through this life. Everything that we do, and every choice that we make that causes a reaction is an experience that we now have in our arsenal to use to help create the best future for ourselves.

When we look back in our lives, we start to understand the things we could have changed in order to create different results. Sometimes these results may have been better than what they were had we known that the decisions we were making weren't the best decisions to make exactly.

Since you can't change the past, you should use it to focus on changing your present and your future. Use your past decisions to help guide you into making the correct choices now and in doing so you will set up an easier life for the future.

Three Simple Rules In Life
Three simple rules in life. 1. If you do not go after what you want, you'll never have it. 2. If you do not ask, the answer will always be no. 3. If you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place.
If you ever want to make a dynamic change in this world, you have to be willing to go after life, instead of letting it go after you.
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Sometimes Problems Don't Require A Solution To Solve Them
Sometimes problems don't require a solution to solve them; instead they require maturity to outgrow them. -Dr. Steve Maraboli
Though it may be easy to look at the problems and challenges we face on a pretty much daily basis as setbacks, and hindrances to advancing forward in our lives we should instead look at them in a positive light. If it weren't for the problems that we experience in our lives then we would not grow as individuals.

Understanding how to solve problems is a life skill that helps build who we are, our character, our integrity, and our strength. Without being able to understand that in life there are going to be problems no matter what, one will not understand how to further his or her life at all, and will ultimately live life at a standstill. We must be willing to embrace challenges and difficulty set before us, for it is these challenges and difficulty that make us who we are over our lifetime.
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Focus On Your Strengths Not Your Weaknesses
Focus on your blessings, not your misfortunes. Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses. Relax and let life come to you... try not to force anything.
Though we can all make excuses as to why certain things may happen in our lives, and it may be tempting to show the world only what is good about us, and none of our flaws. Living life in this manner isn't truly living a full life at all. Sure no one wants anybody to see them mess things up, and no one wants to be viewed as a failure, but one is truly only viewed as failure not when they fall down, but only after they refuse to get back up.
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Fear Is Nothing More Than An Obstacle That Stands In The Way Of Progress
Fear is nothing more than an obstacle that stands in the way of progress. In overcoming our fears we can move forward stronger and wiser within ourselves.
Today is a good day to make a pledge to be determined to LOVE each day more than you are AFRAID of each day. When someone lives in fear in their life they truly miss out on a lot of what life has to offer. Living in fear can cause someone to dodge opportunity after opportunity because of a fear of failing. Instead of walking in fear one can make the choice to instead walk in love.
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Stop Being Afraid Of What Could Go Wrong
Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right.
A lot of times when try to focus too intently on a dream we end up delaying starting our plans because they may not be mapped out as precisely as we would like for them to be. One of the biggest ways to get ahead is to actually get started. The sooner a person starts, the sooner the person will complete whatever it is that they are out to complete. Getting started sometimes requires a person to take big leaps of faith in order to hopefully soon see the realization of their dreams.
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Don't Let Your Dreams Just Be Dreams
Don't let your dreams just be dreams
In order to take your dreams seriously, you must first be willing to take yourself seriously. Figure out who you really are, what your passionate about, and how you will show the world that you were here by the time you leave it. As Tupac Shakur said "Never stop dreaming, because no one can ever take away your dreams."
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Without Love Would You Really Want To Live?
Love makes life so confusing but without love, would you really want to live?
This quote is very true, as love does add a lot to our lives besides confusion, including stress, anger, pain, sorrow, and other things that cause turmoil. But then again love is really the only thing that allows us to live our lives to the fullest extent. Though there are many people who live without live, statistically speaking they are usually the ones who are most unhappy with their lives. Just as love has its negative side-effects it also has its overwhelmingly great ones.
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Dream A Little Every Day
Dream a little every day.
In order to live our lives without limits we must be willing to never let our imaginations die, and we must never forbid ourselves from dreaming at least a little bit every day. Without our dreams we have nothing in our lives to reach for or to go after. Without our dreams we would have no need for qualities like determination, motivation, and drive. Without our dreams we would not have life period.
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Heartbreak Makes You Wiser
Pain makes you stronger. Fear makes you braver. Heartbreak makes you wiser.
An interesting fact of life is that almost everyone experiences heartbreak on some levels that is enough to strip them of the innocence that they once had. Heartbreak is a part of life that will definitely change a person, the decision is made by the person who's heart is broken of whether they let the heartbreak make them a better person or if they let it make them a nobody.
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It's Time To Start Living The Life You've Only Imagined
It's time to start living the life you've only imagined.
In order to live a life in which we are truly satisfied one of the most important things that we can do is to live life how we imagined it to be. This may mean that we aim to work a job or in a career field that we have always wanted to work in, or maybe raise a family even though the circumstances that we may be presently living in won't seem to allow this. We have to be willing to go after our dreams.
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May 12
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