Don't Apologize If You Don't Mean It
There is a huge difference between talking about change, and really becoming the change that you have been talking about. It is very important that when we make our convictions public, that we seek to really meet the goals that we once spoke as a dream. More often than not, the relationships you build and maintain with people over the years can easily diminish if you don't do the things that you say you are going to do.

Our word, and our promises to the people that we are supposed to care about the most are usually very important to these loved ones. Often times, their love for us will blind them from seeing our wrongs until it gets incredibly difficult for us to really make the changes that we know we need to make. So never say sorry when you don't really mean it, and never commit to anything that you know in your heart you dont really mean.

Keep Your Head High and Keep Your Chin Up
So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.
Keeping your chin up is something that we should do in both the literal and figurative senses. So many times in our lives we get discouraged by the way that things seem to be unfolding. Life is never going to be easy at all times, and when we allow for ourselves to be discouraged we can easily get off the track of producing great results by not allowing ourselves to put in as much effort as we truthfully could.
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Set Yourself Free From The Things Holding You Back
The moment you can visualize being free from the things that hold you back you have indeed begun to set yourself free.
For a person to really grab a hold of life they have to really visualize the things that they want out of life. Many people do different things, and we have to be willing to seem a little crazy to everyone else so that we can establish that what we see is real. Not everyone else will be able to see what you see about your vision, and a lot of times it is hard for people to do this and not feel ashamed.
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Small Deeds Done Are Better Than Great Deeds Planned
Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned. -Peter Marshall
A lot of times we see things in the world that need to change, and we feel so small as a single person that we choose not to act on them. In actuality the change that this world needs to see comes from the small actions that we are willing to commit as a single person or even with a few people. Movements don't usually just happen overnight, and without taking the small steps that we need to take, we will never reach the bigger steps. It is better that we at least start to make the small steps towards a goal, rather than not take any steps at all.
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Sometimes When Things Are Falling Apart, They May Actually Be Falling Into
Sometimes when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place.
Those in life who refuse to examine the areas in their lives that continue to weigh them down, or leave them lost, are those who will continue to remain lost. It is only when a person is willing to admit that they need some change that things start to actually change. Many times, change in our lives only requires for us to make a few small tweaks in order to see successful results.
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Embrace Change, No Matter What It Is
A lot of people resist transition and therefore never allow themselves to enjoy who they are. Embrace the change, no matter what it is; once you do, you can learn about the new world you're in and take advantage of it. -Nikki Giovanni
Things don't just happen, things happen just. Every single person is called upon to make a change in the plans that they may have held previously. No ones plan is perfect except for God's plans, and if we are going to ever make the life that we are supposed to make in this world, then it is best for us to get used to change.
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Sometimes, The Things We Can't Change End Up Changing Us
Sometimes, the things we things we can't change end up changing us.
Did you know that there are results that come from the decisions we make in our everyday lives? Many of us realize this fact, but we still cant allow ourselves to not let our lives be determined by the circumstances around us. The path that you took before doesn't limit you on the path to where you are going.
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Having The Courage To Change Things
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
If we are going to make the changes that we want to see made on this Earth by the time that we are gone from it, we have to be willing to persevere and continuing our fight. No matter what disparities or adversity comes our way, we must continue to fight.
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When We Can No Longer Change A Situation, We Must Change Ourselves
When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves. -Viktor E. Frankl
Changing ourselves is very hard to do but we must realize that if we don't continue to change ourselves, and if we don't continue to try to make thing better for ourselves, and the people who we inspire every day, then there will no longer be a situation for us to change, as we will steadily fade into nothingness.
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Nobody Can Change A Person, But...
Don't smother each other. No one can grow in the shade. Nobody can change a person, but someone can be the reason for a person to change.
When we love people, sometimes we love them so much that we try to smother them into going the direction that we see could really be beneficial for their lives. In doing this we have to realize that just because a person isn't willing to grow in the direction that we wish, doesn't mean that they wont grow at all.
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You Must Make A Choice To Take A Chance Or Your Life Will Never Change
You must make a "choice" to take a "chance" or your life will never "change".
If you ever want to get to where you really want to be you have to be willing to make the choices and take the chances. Nothing really worth having in life comes super easy. Without being willing to take a few risks, and make a few choices that may not be the most popular choices, chances are you won't see all of the success and greatness you are destined to.
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