Don't Confuse Your Path With Your Destination
One huge problem for many of us is looking for the easiest solution to our problems. Many times, there are no easy solutions in life, and many times there are no paths of minimal resistance. There are times and seasons in which we all experience rough patches that almost made us want to give up while we were going through them, but that changed our lives and made going through these bad circumstances much more than just worth it.

Take advantage of each day, and each circumstance by not only seeing the positive from it, but also by learning from it. There are things that we only have to go through one time if we just allow ourselves to learn from these situations and commit to never being a part of again.

So when you do commit to discovering yourself, remember that it wont always be easy, but it will be worth it.

The Only One Who Stops You Is Yourself
Obstacles can't stop you, problems can't stop you, most of all, other people can't stop you. The only one who stops you is yourself.
A lot of times we make our lives a lot more difficult than they really need to be. If we just stopped letting fear control us, we would soon realize that most obstacles in our way would easily be removed from our paths if we are just willing to walk through them.
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10 Inspirational Quotes To Help You Get Through The Day
No matter how good or bad you think life is, wake up each day and be thankful for life. Someone somewhere else is fighting to survive.
Here are 10 beautiful inspirational quotes handpicked by our staff to help you get through your day. Be sure to share them with friends!
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Appreciate, Cherish and Be Grateful
Appreciate, Cherish and Be Grateful
Life is never really simple, and it is because of this that we must always do three things. First we must appreciate the life we have. We must cherish the world we are given an opportunity to live in, the days we are afforded are a blessing and to best show our appreciation by cherishing and making use of every minute we are given.
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Getting Rid Of Fake People In Your Life
Fake people hate honesty. It's the lies that keep them feeling good about themselves and their lives. So share your true feelings about their actions and watch how they fade away.
There are many times in life we will face the fact that someone is only in our life to spread some sort of hate. There are so many people that pose as friends and nice people, but who are really and truly miserable on the inside. These people seek to destroy things that you have built in your life because they are more often jealous than anything.
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A Smart Person vs A Wise Person
A smart person will give you smart answers, but a wise person will ask you smart questions.
There are far too many resources for us all out there awaiting our use. If we think about it, any book that we may be thinking of writing probably has been written in some way or fashion. Any painting that we are thinking of creating has been made in some way or fashion. Any home or building that we desire to build has been built.
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When Something Bad Happens You Have Three Choices
Reminder: When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you or you can let it strengthen you.
If you are like most of us, you have been disappointed by the way that life has treated you in a at least a few moments. There are so many in this world who have done so many good things, yet get treated as though no one loves them, while those who are most negative seem to get most of the positive attention. There are also many instances of people not honoring promises and not being real with each other that it seems disappointment in each other is growing epidemically.
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Let Your Dreams Be Bigger Than Your Fears
Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words, and your faith stronger than your feelings.
When you are able to dream, and use your imagination, you find a peace within yourself that doesn't just happen when you are sleeping. If we are ever going to be what we want to be in life we have to be willing to remain imaginative. We must dare to be bold enough to say things that other people won't say, and do things that other people have no desire in doing.
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Smile Despite The Circumstances And Laugh Throughout The Pain
Smile despite the circumstances and laugh throughout the pain. Life is full of hardships but it is how you deal with them that will, in the end, define you.
Though life isn't fair, and though life won't always give us what we want, when we want, we must be willing to keep moving forward towards the life we dream to see.
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Focus On What's Important
Life is like a camera lens, focus on what's important and you will capture it perfectly.
Being able to focus on what is truly important in life is something that we all must learn if we are going to make and maintain a successful lifestyle. What should be most important to all of us first and foremost is our relationship with God, because without him we wouldn't have life, and without him it is impossible to sustain our lives.
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Failure Is Simply The Opportunity To Begin Again
Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again. This time more intelligently.
When we live our lives without the desire to try and with the fear of failing, we choose to just be a part of this world, instead of being someone that may help change it for the better.
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May 09
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