Have Faith That Everything Will Work Out For The Best
There are two things that you can do in tough situations. Either you can worry about them, or you can pray. It really is hard to do both, because when you do one, you are showing that you believe in it. If you show that are worried, you show that you believe that there is a chance that the worst possible scenario will play out. When you pray, and when you don't obsess, you show that you believe Gods word, and what he said.

Instead of giving focus to the bad, and potentially bad things that may happen in your life, it is time to walk in faith and truly believe without any ounce of doubt that God will work things out for the best. Remember when you put your faith in God, he will put his faith into you! Stop giving ground to worry, to obsession, and lack, walk in faith today!

Faith Is Knowing One Of Two Things
When you have come to the edge of all light that you know and are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown faith is knowing one of two things will happen: there will be something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly.
Being faithful is necessary to live your life to the fullest of its limits. So many of us have so much greatness inside of us that we haven't tapped because we refuse to let go of what limits our mind places on our lives, instead of listening to our hearts which will tell us that there are no limits in life!
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God Only Puts Us Through As Much As We Can Handle
God only puts us through as much as we can handle, so the people who struggle the most, have been chosen by God to be the strongest ones.
Did you know that God will never put more on you than you can handle? God never explains why certain horrendous things in life are able to happen, but he does let us know in his word that he will always be there for us when we need him to be.
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You Are A Miracle
If you don't believe in miracles, perhaps you've forgotten you are one.
We are all a miracle! Just being born into this earth, the way we are, with no one on this Earth being exactly the same that we are is a miracle in itself. If we refuse to look at the miracles that happen in our lives that we have grown accustomed to, we will then lose faith and sight of the bigger miracles God will provide us with when we need them.
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Faith Is Bigger Than Fear
Faith is bigger than fear.
In order to get what you really desire out of life, you have to be willing to have faith. If you don't believe it, you won't achieve it, and if you do believe it, you will. Believing that you will actually see the victory that you set out for, is hard to do when you are actually faced with adversity, but we have to remember that without adversity God cannot help our faith to grow.
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Walk By Faith, Not By Sight
Walk by faith, not by sight.
Your walk in life isn't determined by how much physical strength you have, instead it is actually determined by how much you are willing to believe, and how much you are willing to be faithful. Faith grows courage, hope, confidence, and love, and is essential to a person reaching and transforming all of the greatness inside of themselves until it shows on the outside.
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Our Faith Can Move Mountains
Our faith can move mountains.
What do you believe in? When you have a great sense of faith you have more than an average person has, because faith sees things that our natural senses aren't capable of seeing. When you see with your faith instead of what you see with your own eyes, and hear with your own ears, you are able to see worlds of greatness that aren't visible to the naked senses.
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Making Things Happen
Hope is wishing something would happen. Faith is believing something will happen. Courage is making something happen.
Having hope faith and courage are all apart of living the best life that we may be able to live. There are many times in life in which we are tested. We can either choose to be courageous and confident, or we may choose to let whatever may be in our overcome us because of the lack of faith, and hope that we have in ourselves, and God working through us.
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God Is All You Need
When God is all you have then all you have is all you need.
God is all we need. No matter how many times we may try to deny it, and no matter how good we may feel our lives are without him, we all come back to the truth, and we all know that if we let God order our steps, they will be significantly greater, and that we will be significantly more blessed.
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Let All That You Do Be Done In Love
Strength. Keep alert stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.
In order for us to have real, pure strength, we have to be able to walk in love, no matter what the circumstance, and no matter what situation that life chooses to confront us with. Keep your senses keen, and use courage in every facet of your life. It is easy to let our emotions take us over in our most trying of moments, but doing so doesnt always allow for the best results or the best solutions to the problems immediately at hand, and problems that will arise in the future.
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The Principal Part Of Faith Is Patience
The principle part of faith is patience.
When we walk by faith there will be times when we hear and see nothing, and are tempted to aggravate a situation in the best attempt to make things happen in life, we are tempted to sway from being faithful and patient, and attempt to create options for ourselves without following what is in our hearts to do. A faithful mind requires a patient will. Things will not always move fast enough for you in your life, but things may actually be moving as fast as God wants them to.
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May 13
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