How To Forget Someone
Doesn't it seem as though we all have that special someone who may have left from our lives months to years ago but still seem to stay on our mind. If you don't have someone in your life as such right now, you more than likely will, and this is just a normal part of existence on this earth. The trick to forgetting someone you loved deeply is that there is no trick to forgetting them.

The main thing that we must do is remember the good times that we shared with this person, and to wish them the best instead of holding any ill will towards them (if there is any at all). The lessons we learned from dealing with this person are also imperative to remember. Most importantly don�t waste time regretting, keep in mind that they are in your past for a reason, and to keep looking towards the future.

Every Girl Has Three Guys In Her Life
Every girl has three guys in her life: the one she loves, the one she hates, and the one she can't live without. But in the end, they're all the same guy.
Trying to understand love is like trying to understand life as we know it, and is something that we will probably never truly all the way understand. What I have learned from my own personal relationships and from my elders who have been married or with the same person for at least ten years is that even though you may love your significant other, there are going to be differences in opinion, and arguments sometimes, there are going to be places you want to go that they might not want to and vice-versa, but at the end of the day there should be no one else you would rather be in bed with than your significant other.
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Learning To Let Go
Its hard to hold on to something that you know would never be yours in any way you think of. You just have to learn to let go and face the fact that while good things never last, some don't even start.
There are many times in life when we badly want something or someone that we will probably never have, whether the fault lie on us, another person, or the circumstances surrounding it. Sometimes letting go of something is a very hard thing to do, especially if we never really got a chance to do things the way we wanted, because we think the situation might be different if we had the opportunity to try.
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That Special Someone
Don't choose the one who is beautiful to the world. But rather, choose the one who makes your world beautiful.
A few of us may have heard the quote "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". This is a deeper quote than most of us realize, because everyone has a unique opinion of almost everything in the world, whether we choose to concede to our feelings is simply our choice. It is easy to love someone that a majority of society will perceive as beautiful, the real dispute lies in choosing someone that you know in your heart you see as beautiful despite what society says.
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Being Patient For Love
It is better for a girl to sleep a hundred years and be kissed and awakened by the right prince than to stay awake and be kissed a hundred times by the wrong frog.
Choosing the right person for you isn't just about the way a person looks physically, but it is about their mental and spiritual characteristics as well, if not more. People tend to jump into a relationship too fast just because a person may look a certain way, or because a person may be financially stable, and learn quickly that this person may not necessarily be the right person for them. Choosing the right person is nowhere near an easy task to accomplish but it can be done.
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Quote On Neglect
If someone wants to be a part of your life, they'll make an effort to be in it. Don't bother reserving a space in your heart for someone who doesn't make an effort to stay.
People do what people actually want to do. This simple statement holds itself to be true in 99% of peoples lives. If a person really wants to do a certain thing, and they have their heart set on it, then more than likely they will accomplish it. This especially holds true in a lot of relationships you may encounter, if you haven't already encountered it. When someone doesn't show up when they say they will, always cancels plans, or just doesn't come around even though they have ample opportunity to, chances are they really don't want to be a part of your life.
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When To Let Go
The hardest thing to do is letting go, not because you want to but because you have to.
Sometimes in life we have to end relationships that we would rather not end. When we truly have loved someone with everything inside of us, letting go of that person does not even seem reasonable. Letting go may consist of getting over a bad childhood that brought us tremendous pain, being a victim of rape or another kind of abuse, or losing a close loved one. Sometimes we just have to let go of that person or situation because that pain is taking us farther away from our life's pursuit of happiness, whether you realize when you need to or not.
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Beautiful Quote About Finding Love
Find someone who isn't afraid to admit that they miss you. Someone who knows that you're not perfect, but treats you as if you are. Someone whose biggest fear is losing you. One who gives their heart completely. Someone who says I love you and means it. Last but not the least, find someone you wouldn't mind waking up with you in the morning, seeing your wrinkles and your gray hair but still falls in love with you all over again.
Even in a world full of billions of people finding the person who loves you for who you are at heart, and someone who is willing to accept all of your flaws, past mistakes, and other things that you may not be inclined to tell others, is a difficult person to find in the world today. So much of us are caught up in the superficial, that we decline to see true beauty, or get to know it unless it has a pretty face or big enough pockets. Finding true love is finding someone that will love you at your best and at your worst, through the good times and the bad, and that never turns their back on you.
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Find Someone Worth Your Tears and Your Heart
Find someone worth your tears, worth your laughter, worth your heart and that loves you as much as you love them.
During these times finding the right life partner is a very difficult thing to do. When we seek love sometimes we rush to judgment and end up choosing someone as a life partner that we otherwise might not have, with a little bit more careful consideration. When you are ready to start looking for the right person to be with, taking it serious is key, there are a few things you should do to prepare yourself for this process.
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What A Successful Relationship Requires
A successful relationship requires falling in love many times, always with the same person but deeper and deeper every time.
Falling in love is the easiest part of any relationship, maintaining that relationship is the most difficult part. It is the job of both people participating in the relationship to keep the relationship as interesting as possible. During a relationship things will fizzle down, as with anything we do in life, nothing lasts forever unless you make it last. The feelings of love we first share when we first fall in love are actually a result of natural chemicals in our body being released, and overtime our bodies release less and less of these chemicals.
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15 Ways To Keep a Relationship Working
1. Love each other
2. Don't lie
3. Keep communication open
4. Stay sweet
5. When you get hurt just forgive and forget
6. Never talk about break-ups
7. Never say it's okay even when it's not
8. Forget about "pride"
9. If you say sorry mean it
10. Don't compare your past with your present
11. Don't talk about your stupid ex's
12. Give and take process
13. Beware of his/her feelings
14. When you had a fight, don't let the day pass
15. Don't be the perfect one, be the right one
Following these steps are vital to keep a relationship afloat. Many people don't realize that a relationship requires a lot of work and that the work just doesn't end when the relationship starts. Of course some of these points are just plain common sense, of course we are not to lie, cheat, or be dishonest with our relationship partner but there are things on this list that we don't always remember to do.
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