Life Is What We Make It
A great life lesson for every single one of us to understand is that life is what we make out of it. Your life, your wealth, your whole being isn't determined by status, or material things, it is determined by how you live it, and how you make use of every single resource that you may have available in it. Life is not about how much you have or where you have been, life is about what you will have with the hard work that you put into it, and where you will someday go with your hard work as well.

Life isn't about the miserable job that you may have right now, but instead it is about how you will use this miserable job as a step in your journey in life towards happiness and being fulfilled. Live your life to the fullest in every moment, and remember that we must treat all the little things in life as importantly as we treat the areas in our lives that we see as much larger.

Things Change And Friends Leave
Things change. And friends leave. And life doesn't stop for anybody.
The crazy thing about life is that though we make plans of the future, even plans that may sometimes include people in our lives in which we may really care about at the moment; there are many things in our lives that we simply cannot plan for. One important fact of life is that no matter what we do, sometimes things just change. Sometimes the people that we once cared so much for will become the people that we can no longer be around, and sometimes the friends that we think will be in our lives forever somehow leave out of our lives before we can ever get a good chance to say goodbye.
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Some People Feel The Rain, Others Just Get Wet
Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.
A wise man once said that life is not about those who learn how to cope with the rainy days in their lives, but is instead about how people are willing to learn how to dance in the rain. Life is about learning to feel the rain, learning how to make what many may view in a negative light in a positive manner. In order to do this we have to train our minds to think as positively as possible.
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Life Is Like A Book
Our life is one open book full of pages. We laugh, we cry, we smile, we stumble, we stand, we fall, and we succeed. Every chapter defines who we really are.
If we think long and hard about it, our life is very similar to a book. As each page progresses, so does time, and as each page progresses we live through different emotions, actions, and situations. As we pass through every day of our lives we go up and we go down, we smile, we laugh, we cry, we fail, we are victorious, we falter, we listen, we speak, we understand, and we seek wisdom.
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Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall
Into each life some rain must fall.
During each person's life are times in which we experience trials, in which there seems there will never be sun again, and times where the rain is pouring down so hard that we can barely see life for what it is two feet in front of us. In every person's life rain must fall, for if there was never any rain, we would never be able to appreciate the sunshine.
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Life Is Short
Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish them.
Whether we choose to realize it or not, no tomorrow is never promised, no plan is ever full proof, and not every wish will be granted to us. We must live our lives knowing these things and keeping in mind that we should seize every day, and love with everything that is inside of our hearts. We must also realize that people will upset us and disappoint us, and holding on to anger will only take away from energy that we need in order to produce the desired results that we seek out of life.
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Live Passionately And Sincerely
Live passionately and sincerely.
In order to gain the most out of our lives, including the work, time, and effort, that we put into different aspects of our everyday lives we must learn to execute almost every action with as much passion, and sincerity as possible. We have to be dedicated to our crafts, and to our dreams. If you don't have any dreams then be passionate and sincere in the way that you go about receiving them, and continue to use this passionate, sincere energy to capture your dreams once you figure out what they are.
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Trust Life A Little Bit
Trust life a little bit.
Many of us have experienced moments in our lives that made us believe that we can never really trust life to work out in our best interests. We must remember that the past is the past, and that the things that happened in our past happened for the reason of making our future brighter. Nobody's life is perfect, and no matter what there will be trials and tribulations during our lifetime no matter how much success or failure that we have obtained throughout it.
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People Were Created To Be Loved
People were created to be loved, things were created to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos is because things are being loved, and people are being used.
A major life lesson that takes many people a whole lifetime to learn is that though material things are nice, the passion felt for material things and material wealth will never equate to how special loving someone and being loved by someone can make you feel. Someone who tries to fill a void in their heart by accruing more and more material items will never be as satisfied as someone who is willing to try to fill a void in their heart with loving others and being loved genuinely by others. Things like wisdom and knowledge are entities in the same as love, non-material wealth.
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You Can Either Regret Or Rejoice
For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else. It is about your outlook towards life. You can either regret or rejoice.
In order for us to live our lives completely and to receive the most satisfaction, we have to be willing to decipher the good even in the worst of times. Life is what you make out of it. If you let your situations get the best of you and refuse to see the good in every situation, then in fact you are letting your challenges overcome you, instead of overcoming them as you should.
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Live A Happy Life
Smile, Laugh, Give, Dream, Explore, Wonder, Create, LIVE, Be HAPPY!
Smile. Let the world see your beautiful smile, even though today may not be a happy day, this week might be one of your worst weeks in a while, or you may even be experiencing the roughest few months that you have experienced in your whole lifetime. Remember that a smile is the first step in turning around whatever turmoil that you are experiencing.
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Apr 26
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