Life Is Much Too Short To Sit Around Dwelling In Unhappiness
Though your life may not be perfect, you have to realize that no one's life is. Though you may not have everything that you want out of life, or everything that you think you deserve you have to be willing to know that no one truly gets every single thing that they desire in the exact manner that they want it.

You have no cause for anything but a joyful life. A life full of gratitude, cheer, and praise to God, because you are here, and you are able to go forth towards your dreams.

Live a joyful life. A life that ignores the paranoid, and the fearful, a life that allows for you to soar with people who are going places.

Life is much too short to sit around dwelling in unhappiness, and being miserable. Every day is a joyous occasion, be sure to allow yourself to live like it.

There Comes A Point In Your Life When You Realize Who Really Matters
There comes a point in your life, when you realize who really matters, who never did, and who always will.
As we grow and mature in life, we come to realize that there is a point in our lives that we have to be willing to simply let some people go. Not everyone is in your life for your benefit. Sometimes people only seek to control you, and will use any type of manipulation in an effort to do so. Some will try and judge you and condemn you, some will try to make you feel as if you are no good without their help, and some are only in to reap some sort of benefit from your life when you do start to accomplish great things.
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You Have 3 Choices In Life
You have 3 choices in life. You can watch things happen, make things happen or wonder what the hell happened.
Though there are many times that we could have avoided rough situations if we had the right amount of wisdom to do so, there are some instances that we just have to go through in order to gain the experience and knowledge that we need to accomplish the destiny that God has for our lives.
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Being Brave Enough To Say Goodbye
If you're brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello. Paulo Coehlo
Sometimes we have to be brave enough to say goodbye to the life we used to know, so that we can make a better life for ourselves. As humans, we are instinctually attached to remain in an environment that brings us comfort consistently. The sad thing is, by doing this, we miss out on the greatest part of life, challenging ourselves.
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Our Prime Purpose In This Life Is To Help Others
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others, and if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.
Man wasn't put on this earth alone, and we are to love each other as God loves us, unconditionally. Too many times in this life we get so caught up that we forget what is really important. We aren't blessed with what we have to just have enough for ourselves.
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Don't Worry Just Breath, If It's Meant To Be It Will Find A Way
Don't worry, just breathe. If it's meant to be, it will find a way.
Take your time to breath. Relationships are not always easy things to go through, especially relationships that are paused with no conclusion or continuation in sight. Instead of worrying about things that you may not be exactly ready or able to change at the moment, take some time out to work on yourself.
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You Must Make A Choice To Take A Chance Or Your Life Will Never Change
You must make a "choice" to take a "chance" or your life will never "change".
If you ever want to get to where you really want to be you have to be willing to make the choices and take the chances. Nothing really worth having in life comes super easy. Without being willing to take a few risks, and make a few choices that may not be the most popular choices, chances are you won't see all of the success and greatness you are destined to.
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Don't Confuse Your Path With Your Destination
Don't confuse your path with your destination. Just because it's stormy now doesn't mean that you aren't headed for sunshine.
Many of us have heard people say that tough times don't last, but tough people do. It is so hard for some people to even identify themselves as tough people, because compared to adversity that others have faced; their adversity doesn't seem as humungous.
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A Day Without Laughter Is A Day Wasted
A day without laughter is a day wasted. Charlie Chaplin
Laughter is one of the best nutrients a person can get in a day. Not only is laughter therapeutic for the soul, it is also helpful in building rapport with others, strengthening relationships, and it is helpful in bringing down our own personal stress levels.
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Don't Wish Away Your Days Waiting For Better Ones Ahead
The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days waiting for better ones ahead.
One fact of life is, you are a miracle. The fact that you have the breath to continue to go after your dreams, the fact that you have enough life to live another day, no matter how bad the days in the past actually were, is evidence enough that we shouldn't wish our days away waiting for better ones.
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Learning Lessons The Hard Way
Sometimes the most important lessons are the ones we end up learning the hard way.
Have you ever made a decision even though everything inside of you was telling you not to? We all have, and at some points in our lives, we have to be willing to learn the hard way. When we are young we learn things the hard way by have to replace things like bikes we could have saved if we just placed it up properly when we were finished using it.
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May 04
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