Think Less Do more
As 1+1 will always be 2, 0 + 0 will always amount to 0. If you are willing to put in no thinking, and no effort, dont expect to receive any types of blessings from your lack of doing anything. Instead grasp and hold tight to the concept of reaping and sowing. The things that you sow will ultimately be the things that you are later able to get out of life.

If you are willing to sow tireless, hard work, on a daily basis, chances are soon you will reap a harvest that shows you put in tireless effort and hard work. If you havent already lived by this principle, now is a good time to start. Remember to be faithful in every aspect of your life from your relationships, to your hopes and dreams. Realizing that every single part of your life requires hard work and dedication if you want to see them grow into and maybe even surpass what you thought was their potential.

Be Joyful In Hope, Patient In Affliction And Faithful In Prayer
Be joyful in hope patient in affliction faithful in prayer.
One of the most powerful catalyst in anyones life is the hope that they have in life, and the belief that if they keep their hope at a high level, even in times that life is testing them, that they will be blessed enough to go places in life that they could have never foresaw. A lot of us dont have a clear vision of where we are going in life, but as long as there is some sort of vision, a lot of motivation in their heart, and a flame of hope inside of them selves that will never go out, chances are they will achieve great things, and will go very far in their lives.
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Working Together Is A Success
Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.
Here's just a simple reminder of how important team work is in your life. We've collected a few of our favorite quotes for you to reflect on.
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Rock Bottom Became The Solid Foundation On Which I Rebuilt My Life
Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.
Life is much like a gentle flower. Your imagination is like the sun, providing the warmth and light for your life to grow into something beautiful. The water that feeds the flower can be equated to the things you put into your life everyday to help keep you hydrated while you blossom. And the soil the flower is planted in, can be compared to the foundation you have been planted in. The foundation that will do everything in its power to hold you up so that it can see you fully blossom.
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Never Let Failure Get To Your Heart
Never let success get to your head and never let failure get to your heart.
Be about what you say you are about. The time you have to prove to the world that you are who you say you are is limited. We are only afforded a short amount of time while we are here and to make the best use of it we have to do much more than talk about the things we would like to do.
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What Kind Of Mark Do You Want To Leave By The Time You Are Gone
What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.
What kind of mark do you want to leave by the time you are gone? Is it one that will truly stand the test of time, or one that will be easily forgotten?
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Life Is Too Short To Think Small
Your greatest risk is in thinking too small. Think Big. Life is too short to think small.
In the times that you are supposed to rest you must rest. There is no good alternative to resting your body and mind daily. Most hardworking people compete with rest daily, hoping to supplement a little more work in order to be ahead of the curve but this isn't always what is best for us.
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Bigger Doesn't Mean Better
Bigger doesn't mean better and better doesn't mean good.
The heart can do things and see things that our minds and eyes can't do. Life isn't always about having the best of everything to get to where you are going.
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Don't Wait For The Perfect Moment
Most of the time, excuses are made out of pure laziness. For people who are constantly making excuses... the negative energy it takes to do so could instead be used on getting things done!
Stop wishing, get tough, and do what you need to do to make your life what you want it to be. We only have a certain amount of time to do it.
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You Struggle Again And Again, Then One Day You Triumph
You struggleagain and again. And then one day, you triumph
Living life with from the perspective of a victorious spirit means being willing to repeat the grueling process of overcoming time and time again. In life when we refuse to overcome what is in front of us, we provide a path for failure to overcome and eventually embody our being.
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If You Really Want To Do Something You'll Find A Way
If you really want to do something you'll find a way. If you don't you'll find an excuse.
Those who see great success in life refuse to make excuses and refuse to give people who only give excuses a majority of their time. The difference between a person who is susceptible to failure and a person who is more apt to see success is clear, one allows excuses in their life while the other refuses to do so.
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May 09
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