True Meaning Of Real Love
Real love is about finding the person that will stick with you through the thick storms and the thin victories. Real love doesn't just take sacrifice, it is based on sacrifice. Real love is founded on the notion that sometimes you may have to give part of yourself to someone else in order for them to be able to make it through, with the understanding that this person will do the same thing for you in your toughest times.

Never allow yourself to remain in a relationship in which a person has proved over and over again that they aren't about this 'real love', because in short you are only wasting your time.

Find that person who is going to be there to pick you up when you fall, and not just there for you to help them when they do the same.

Don't pretend, find someone that you can trust, someone who is patient, and someone who seeks to understand.

The Opposite Of Loneliness Is Not Togetherness
The opposite of Loneliness is not Togetherness, Its Intimacy.
Two things that should never be confused are real love versus a love produced by convenience. Often times relationships that are rushed are these relationships that are produced by convenience, or a couple of people who are looking for love in the wrong places.
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Spread Love This Christmas
Love, Peace and Joy came down on earth on Christmas Day to make you happy and cheerful. May Christmas spread cheer in your lives!
Spread joy wherever you may go. There is already enough darkness in this world for all of us if we desire to live under it. Flee gracefully from that norm and be a light.
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Opening A Broken Heart To Love
A woman who opens their heart to love you, when it's already broken, is braver than any person youll meet.
Being brave is being courageous enough to act while your past failures tell you that you cant. We will all be broken at some point in life, some more than others, but the true test of a persons heart is not if they are willing to be defeated, but it lies instead in how many times we are willing to get up.
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Duty Makes Us Do Things Well, But Love Makes Us Do Them Beautifully
Duty makes us do things well, but love makes us do them beautifully.
Doing what you love has now become the cliche of all cliches, but its infinite truth prevails. Being free and being of a clear mind is dependent upon how you are able to spend your time each day. Sure not everyone can just quit their job and do exactly what they want to do in this exact moment, but there are ways to go about doing this if a person is truly willing to look.
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Distance Yourself From The People Who Let You Down
Its time to distance yourself from the people who let you down, the inconsistent ones. its time to start loving yourself.
Placing distance between friends that you know arent for you is a difficult step to take in life, but it is something that must be done if you want to see and maintain success.
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Owning Your Story Is The Bravest Thing You Will Ever Do
Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we'll ever do.
Be an owner. Tell the world who you are by showing the world who you are. There is no one in this world quite like you, and you have the ultimate say in who you want the world or universe to know you as.
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The Best Kinds Of Relationships Begin Unexpectedly
The best kinds of relationships begin unexpectedly. When you get the astonished feeling and everything happens so suddenly. That's why you don't look for love. It comes to you just at the right time; the time you never thought it would have.
Sometimes we hold ourselves back when it comes to relationships as we set a specific scope on who we would allow ourselves to be in a relationship with, forgetting that everyone may not always look the part that they may be able to play in our lives.
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Never Love Anyone Who Treats You Like You're Ordinary
Never love anyone who treats you like youre ordinary
Every single one of us has unique qualities that qualify us to be treated special when we enter into relationships. When we choose partners in our relationships we have to look at the things that they do habitually, and we should try to take time to get to know the real person we are interested in, not just the person who is only seeking to impress us.
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If You Love Someone, Tell Them
If you love someone, tell them. For hearts are often broken by words left unspoken.
Tell people that you love them, even if you have to say it in your own way. Love is the light that this world truly needs and unless we are willing to show each other that love still rules the world, the world will continue to become a darker place for us all.
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True Love Is Rare
True love is rare, and it's the only thing that gives life real meaning.
True love isnt here to hold you back, and to make you feel like you arent good enough for this world alone. True love builds you up and actually helps you to believe quite the opposite.
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Apr 27
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