What Makes You Different Makes You Beautiful
The things that make you different are the things that make you beautiful. There are some very unique traits that every single person in the world has that can't be compared to any other person collectively. Sure, we all have our similarities, but there is no way that two people can say that they are exactly identical.

This is one of the great beauties that life has to offer us, even though a lot of us choose not to acknowledge this interesting tidbit, as they desire to fit in instead of stand out. Remember that if you ever want somebody to see how truly beautiful that you are, you have to be willing to live your life as yourself. Don't try on someone's life in an effort to impress, because in the end the only person they will be truly impressed with will be you in the outfit of another person.

Be Kind To Yourself
Next time you think of beautiful things, don't forget to count yourself in.
Too many times in life many of us get caught up in showing love, and being kind to others, that we sometimes forget to show love and to be kind to our own selves. One thing that would help us all greatly is believing in ourselves. Not only are we beautiful individualized creatures of God, we are all so unique from one another, we all have different values and qualities that we emphasize more than others that make us exactly who we are.
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Everything Has Beauty
Everything has it's beauty but not everyone sees it.
As society continues to progress it seems as if more and more everyday everyone is more concerned looking happy than actually being happy and fulfilled on the inside. Instead of being happy with being as beautiful as God made us, we are doing things like getting plastic surgery, enhancing parts of our bodies, and so on in order to be as beautiful or handsome of the famous figures in our society, not realizing that we aren't letting everyone see our own unique beauty in the process.
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Simple Is Beautiful
Simple is beautiful.
When we look at life a lot of times we expect that the most beautiful things are always the most lavish, extravagant, and exotic things are to be the most beautiful. Not realizing that usually it is the simplest things that make life beautiful. For example, the setting and rising of the sun, something that happens on a daily basis, is a simple part of life that we know is going to happen, but is also very beautiful.
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You Don't Know How Lovely You Are
You don't know how lovely you are.
Many of us don't really know how beautiful that we really are. In the society we live in we tend to think of how beautiful we are as being rated by how "hot" we may look on the outside, instead of trying to be as beautiful of a soul as possible. Remember that looks may last for a while, but they don't last forever, and the only true beauty that lasts forever is the beauty of the person that you are on the inside. Be confident in who you are, because the fact that who you are at heart is fascinating in itself.
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This Life Is A Beautiful War
This life is a beautiful war.
Life is a beautiful war. Life is beautiful in so many ways, beginning with the creation of a human life, one of the most beautiful things if not the most beautiful thing in life, period. Life is filled with beautiful moments like the marriage of two individuals, the passing of hope to each other, and the relationships that we build that stem from moments that we never would of thought could turn into blossoming friendships. It is a beautiful war because we are always at war with something in the midst of beauty around us. Whether we are at war with ourselves trying to conquer things like self-esteem and the use of self-confidence.
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Beauty Is All Around Us
We never noticed the beauty because we were too busy trying to create it.
Enjoying the world's wonderful gifts of things such as nature is an aspect of life that is becoming decreasingly less popular as our society becomes a busier more technologically advanced place. It is important that we actually take time out to enjoy the beautiful earth that we are all a part of. In order to do so we must actually take action and do things that not a lot of us normally do.
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You Are Beautiful
You are beautiful.
What is beautiful? Is beautiful, a perfect button nose? Is beautiful pretty brown eyes centered on a perfectly symmetrical face? Different time periods around the world suggest that people have always had different ideas of what a person's beauty on the outside consisted of. We must realize that everyone's definition of beauty on the outside is going to be different, and if we live our lives trying to make ourselves beautiful on the outside we will quickly forget to develop our person on the inside.
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Be Your Own Kind Of Beautiful
Be your own kind of beautiful.
Being our own kind of beautiful consists of being who we are from the inside first, and then translating that onto the outside of our bodies secondly. Being your own kind of beautiful requires you to develop your inner you. Do you know what you like? How heavy of an influence is everyone else on your life and style? These are two important questions that you can help you determine if you are trying to live under someone else's definition of beautiful instead of your own.
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You're Beautiful Just The Way You Are
If perfect is what you're searching for... then just stay the same. -Bruno Mars
Right now, go take a look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are beautiful, three times, aloud. If we listen to the world we live in today's subjective point of view on what beauty is, we would never realize our true beauty on the inside and out. If you are completely caught up with your beauty on the outside make it a point to look in the mirror every day, telling yourself a reason why you are beautiful even when it may be what you consider a flaw.
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Learning To Love Yourself
You are loved for the way you are. Don't try to be different.
Trying to be someone you are not is like trying to live as water when you are fire. Everyone has and pretty much knows who they are from a very young age. As we grow up we are usually more fine tuned and educated, but at our core we are still the same person. It is imperative that we let our little light shine on the inside.
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