Be You, Find You, Be Happy With That
A couple of things in this lifetime that many of us never find before our lives end are our real true selves. Not being able to find one's self, will limit a person in so many ways, mainly because they never get to live life as their self, but also because they can never really live up to their truest potential because they aren't living as whom they really are.

Happiness also stems from living as who we really are on the inside, trying to live life as someone that we have no business trying to be will only lead to a life full of emptiness, temporary joy, and dissatisfaction. Sure it may be easy to gain acceptance from our peers and society by living as someone as we really aren't, but we must remember, the easiest path, or the path of least resistance, is the path that those who lose in life take. Be you, find you, and be happy with who you are.

People Were Created To Be Loved
People were created to be loved, things were created to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos is because things are being loved, and people are being used.
A major life lesson that takes many people a whole lifetime to learn is that though material things are nice, the passion felt for material things and material wealth will never equate to how special loving someone and being loved by someone can make you feel. Someone who tries to fill a void in their heart by accruing more and more material items will never be as satisfied as someone who is willing to try to fill a void in their heart with loving others and being loved genuinely by others. Things like wisdom and knowledge are entities in the same as love, non-material wealth.
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We Don't Realize What We Have Until It's Gone
Too often we don't realize what we have until its gone. Too often we're too stubborn to say sorry I was wrong. Too often it seems we hurt the ones closest to our hearts, and we let the most foolish things tear us apart.
Pride is one of the biggest reasons that some of the greatest people that the world has never seen remain just that, some of the greatest people that the world has never seen. Being in pride can easily limit a person's potential, and stops bad people from being good, and good people from being great. Never be too big to admit when you are, and moreover never be scared to admit when you are sorry.
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Let Your Past Make You Better Not Bitter
Let your past make you better, not bitter.
There are generally only two options that we have when we deal with our pasts. We can choose to let our pasts limit us, and make us bitter, or we can choose to let our pasts make us better. We must understand that who we were in the past is nowhere equal to the person that we can be in the future. The trials and tribulations that we experienced in our pasts may not be held as a guarantee that our future will be full of the same tribulation and pain.
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May All Your Dreams Come True
May all your dreams come true(even the ones they laughed at).
One lesson that we must all learn in life is that there are going to be people in our lives and in the world period who just won't understand our dreams, and won't understand the goals that we set for ourselves in life. While some won't understand, some will refuse to understand as well, some will mock you, and some will try to talk you out of going for a dream that is just "too big" for you to accomplish, in their opinion.
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Some Things Fall Apart So Other Things Can Fall Together
Some things fall apart so other things can fall together.
One of the toughest facts of life that we must all eventually come to terms with one day is the fact that not everything we want will happen the way in which we want it to. Think about it, we all have made plans, and goals whether they be short term, and long term, and they end up falling apart in pieces in a manner in which we never thought could be possible. Sometimes situations arise to where things fall apart so that other things can fall together.
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Believe In Yourself
Believe in yourself and others will too.
Having confidence and believing in yourself is one of the primary keys to a successful life. During times of hardship it is important that we have faith in ourselves to be able to pull things through no matter how difficult the tasks before us might seem. A good way to build up confidence in yourself is to set goals for yourself. The achievement of realistic goals seems to add self-confidence to a person's life like adding money to a bank account.
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Live A Happy Life
Smile, Laugh, Give, Dream, Explore, Wonder, Create, LIVE, Be HAPPY!
Smile. Let the world see your beautiful smile, even though today may not be a happy day, this week might be one of your worst weeks in a while, or you may even be experiencing the roughest few months that you have experienced in your whole lifetime. Remember that a smile is the first step in turning around whatever turmoil that you are experiencing.
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Being Happy With What You Have
Sometimes we wish we wouldn't be too happy with what is temporary, because we don't ever want to need something we know we can't have forever.
An important way to battle being happy with what we know is only temporary is to have an established dream, and to set goals for ourselves. Even when we complete our goals sometimes we are only left with a happiness that is temporary and then we are challenged with creating a new set of goals or challenges for ourselves in order to quench our thirst for life itself. Remember that happiness like other feelings in our life such as sadness or anger will usually come in spurts.
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Don't Ever Give Up
Don't you dare give up.
Don't you dare give up, our lives our way to short to give up going or maintaining anything in them in which we know that our hearts are truly in! When we give up we are telling ourselves that we aren't good enough receive our victories and our blessings. We are telling ourselves that all of the hard work and all of the pain that we endured so far doesn't mean a thing, and was all done in vain.
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Who Are You To Judge
They tell you to be yourself then they judge you.
One thing that we must realize is in our lives is that people all around us will judge us, and expect for us to want to live our lives up to their standards. Another thing that we must realize is that the only standards we must live up to are God's standards, nobody elses judgment's of us truly even matter.
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May 13
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