Give Yourself A Break
Messing up is a big part of life, and is a part of life that can either makes us or break us. If we sit around with regret, and focus all of our energy into trying to relive our pasts, we take away from living right now, we take energy that we could be using to create and seize opportunities that may further our futures, and let it go to waste on a part of our life that can not be relived, and not be changed.

Sometimes in our lives there will be questions that will just remain unanswered, but we must gather enough strength and enough courage to move forward. We have to accept the fact that messing up is a part of life, and we have to be willing to dust ourselves off, and move forward. The harder that you are on yourself about your past, the harder that it will be to produce results for the future.

Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall
Into each life some rain must fall.
During each person's life are times in which we experience trials, in which there seems there will never be sun again, and times where the rain is pouring down so hard that we can barely see life for what it is two feet in front of us. In every person's life rain must fall, for if there was never any rain, we would never be able to appreciate the sunshine.
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Nothing Is Impossible
The most important thing in life is to stop saying "I wish" and start saying "I will." Consider nothing impossible, then treat possibilities as probabilities.
Too many of us live our lives wishing for things that we can't even dream big enough to see ourselves having in our lifetimes. Instead of living with a defeated attitude we must muster up enough courage to declare victory over situations in which we never thought we even had a chance facing. Instead of living life wishing for things to happen, we have to live our lives making things happen.
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Let Us Be Grateful To People Who Make Us Happy
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
The people that make you happy are very special people and should be treated as such. One big mistake that many people make is to mistreat those who are kind to them and would do anything for them by taking advantage of them, and by not putting the same effort into the relationship as their partner. In order to show our gratitude to the people in our lives that make us the happiest we must put in work.
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Be You, Find You, Be Happy With That
Be you. Find you. Be happy with that.
A couple of things in this lifetime that many of us never find before our lives end are our real true selves. Not being able to find one's self, will limit a person in so many ways, mainly because they never get to live life as their self, but also because they can never really live up to their truest potential because they aren't living as whom they really are.
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Everybody Deserves To Be Happy
You deserve to be with somebody who makes you happy. Somebody who won't complicate your life. Somebody who won't hurt you.
Everybody deserves someone that will help him or her in their lifetime pursuit to finding and maintaining being happy, not someone who would only complicate and hold them back from this pursuit. Sometimes many of us experience relationships in which the person we are with is only holding us back from where we know in our hearts that we really want to go, and because we try to remain loyal to this person, we end up wasting time in our own lives and stop our forward progress in order to make them happy.
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Some Things Fall Apart So Other Things Can Fall Together
Some things fall apart so other things can fall together.
One of the toughest facts of life that we must all eventually come to terms with one day is the fact that not everything we want will happen the way in which we want it to. Think about it, we all have made plans, and goals whether they be short term, and long term, and they end up falling apart in pieces in a manner in which we never thought could be possible. Sometimes situations arise to where things fall apart so that other things can fall together.
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Missing Someone
I wish I had the courage to tell you exactly how much I miss you.
Missing someone is one of the hardest feelings that a person has to overcome. Living life regretting the mistakes one made can lead a person to self-destruction of they choose to let it. Sure things might have worked out differently if certain things were done in different ways, but to be short, life happens. We all make mistakes, and though it may seem as though you can't live without someone now, in time your heart will heal if you let it.
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Everybody Deserves Someone
Everybody deserves someone that will make them look forward to tomorrow.
If you find yourself waking up on a daily basis dreading knowing that you are going to be waking up to a face that you loathe, chances are you are not with who you deserve to be with. As this quote says "everybody deserves someone who'll make them look forward to tomorrow."
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Believe In Yourself
Believe in yourself and others will too.
Having confidence and believing in yourself is one of the primary keys to a successful life. During times of hardship it is important that we have faith in ourselves to be able to pull things through no matter how difficult the tasks before us might seem. A good way to build up confidence in yourself is to set goals for yourself. The achievement of realistic goals seems to add self-confidence to a person's life like adding money to a bank account.
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Everybody Needs Somebody Sometimes
Everybody needs somebody sometimes.
Whether we choose to agree with it or not, the fact is simple, every single one of us needs somebody, at least every once in a while. Though some are more independent than others, there are going to be times in our lives in which we are going to need someone else's help. Whether this help comes in the form of advice because we are unsure of what to do in a situation, or if we just need someone to listen to us clear our thoughts, or even someone to just be there for us to lean on when we need a shoulder to cry on, every single person needs someone sometimes.
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Apr 26
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