It's The Little Moments That Make Life Big
Too many times in our lives we forget to take the little moments in, because we seem to only concern ourselves with the big ones that we hope for. While big moments in our lives are certainly special, we still must remember that what will matter in the future will be the memories we make for ourselves. Sometimes small moments such as dinner time with the family, or outings with the people we love, give us supreme closeness and unity with the people we love way more than before. Do the little things.

It is hard to fathom now how things like a simple visit to a relative that might not be expecting it, hearing your child speak their first word, or see them walk their first step, will resonate in your mind for years to come. The little moments that we make now will be the biggest memories we keep in our minds for the rest of our lives, so cherish every single moment you live in, by always staying positive, and aware of what is going on around you. See the big picture even when the picture you are looking into at the moment might not seem significant!

This Life Is A Beautiful War
This life is a beautiful war.
Life is a beautiful war. Life is beautiful in so many ways, beginning with the creation of a human life, one of the most beautiful things if not the most beautiful thing in life, period. Life is filled with beautiful moments like the marriage of two individuals, the passing of hope to each other, and the relationships that we build that stem from moments that we never would of thought could turn into blossoming friendships. It is a beautiful war because we are always at war with something in the midst of beauty around us. Whether we are at war with ourselves trying to conquer things like self-esteem and the use of self-confidence.
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Second Chances Are Rare, Use Your First Chance Wisely
Second chances are rare, use your first chance wisely.
Some of us have gone through life getting chance after chance, after we fail because of a lack of effort, and a lack of motivation. Whatever the reason may be, we must always go at life and seize every opportunity that we know is for us the first time that they are presented to us. Too many times we rely on giving lackadaisical efforts on our first attempts because we feel as though we will have another chance to do better, and make it up, if our first attempt isn't successful.
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Life's Too Short To Wake Up With Regrets
Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets.
None of us want to be the type of person that lives everyday thinking of what could have been, and thinking of the things that we wish that we would have done. Life is too short to always be thinking should've, would've could've. Today is the day where you start your future, and the day that you live life with no regrets. It is perfectly okay to think things over, but sometimes you just have to take life as it comes by.
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People Will Let You Down, But God Never Will
People will let you down.
An important lesson that we have all probably experienced in life is that people will let you down. Whether it be in our personal lives, or lives outside of our families and homes, we have to make sure that we hope for the best from everyone but plan for the worse to happen. It might sound like a cynical way to live, but in this world, and especially in this day and age, we have to insure our own interests, which means not depending on anyone else to get the job done but yourself and God. When we learn not to depend on others we learn that we have the freedom to do what we feel we need to get done, and being the only person responsible for whether you fail or succeed can be a great thing! Of course there will be situations in life where we will need others, but always keep in the back of your mind that no one is perfect, and anybody that is human is capable of making mistakes and letting you down.
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Hard Times In Life
Don't worry about hard times, because most of the beautiful things we have in life come from changes and mistakes.
Change and mistakes are two aspects of life that help us to become better people. Change is the transition from something old into something new, and is necessary for growth in a person's life. Think about if we never aged or matured. Could you imagine being the same size that you were as a five year old and only having the same amount of knowledge that you did at that age? We have to maintain new changes in our lives on a regular basis in order to grow and reach our potential.
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Life Is A One Way Street
Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.
As we go through life we must remember that we have to go through life not being able to go backwards. Every thing we do and every minute we spend are things done and time spent that we will never be able to get back, so we must choose wisely on how, who and what we devote our time to. A lot of people make mistakes in life and then later on regret them, we have to realize that what is done is done, and we can't get it back. We have to live life with no regrets, no animosity towards people or things of the past, so that we won't lose our progress.
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Life Is Beautiful
Life may be sad but it's always beautiful.
We have to learn to look at life outside of our situations sometimes. It is easy to fall into wallow and to complain when things aren't going our way. Instead of letting whatever is going on in your life get the best of you take time out from your life. Go enjoy a nice nature walk, or vacation in a beautiful city just to be able to enjoy the beauty of life.
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Live, Laugh, Love
Live, Laugh, Love
Live. Let yourself live, don't always hold back and shelter yourself from taking risks. Be adventurous, be spontaneous, explore new worlds and new places that you would not otherwise see without taking the initiative to. Take advantage of the fact that you were able to wake up this morning, because not everyone else can say the same.
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Whatever Happens, Happens
Whatever happens, happens.
To a degree, in our lives as each moment passes and different circumstances come to past, we have to realize that after they happen, there is no way to change them. We must take life for what it is, a series of unpredictable events ultimately out of our control. Sure there are ways to prepare for life, and understandably doing things such as setting goals and making a game plan for your life will take you to new heights, even to places you would of never imagined being. But life is too, very unpredictable.
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Stop Thinking Just Live
Stop thinking just live.
Open the gates and seize the day, for today is the day you start worrying about what everyone else's thoughts, and live for your own. When we choose to live in the moment, in every moment in our lives we choose to do just that. We wouldn't be human if we weren't able to think about our actions before committing to them, but sometimes we tend to over analyze situations. From this day forward make a promise to think less sometimes, and live more all the time.
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May 22
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