Keep Trying, Hold On, And Always Believe In Yourself
If you aren't courageous enough to believe in yourself, then you must know, no one will. As we walk through our lives we have to be on a mission to live out our dreams. Some of us are too scared to believe in the fact that doing what we feel from our hearts is the only way to achieve success, and this is something that we must overcome.

Instead of living life in an effort to make everyone else happy, we must re-examine the priorities we have made prominent. Are you living, and trying to hold on in an effort to live the life that you want to live? Or are you living in the shadow of someone else? Are you devoting your time and energy to do things because it will help to make others proud of you?

Be courageous! Fight for the things in life that are true to your heart, and keep trying until you have won. Always, always believe in yourself!

Stop Holding On To What Hurts
Stop holding on to what hurts and make room for what feels good.
In our lives we are faced with many circumstances including instances of heartbreak that we may at one point have had control over, but eventually will not. When we are done grieving we have to come to terms with what hurt us so much, forgive if it is needed, and be able to let go.
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Don't Let Anyone Stop You From Being The Best Person You Can Be
Don't let anyone's ignorance, hate, drama or negativity stop you from being the best person you can be.
There are many in this world that are ignorant, and from this ignorance are full of hate, drama and negativity. If we choose to allow it, these people with these forces inside of them that are helping to bring them down, will be able to bring us down as well.
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Sometimes Good Things Fall Apart So Better Things Can Fall Together
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.
Sometimes the things that we have going on in our lives that we may see as great strong qualities or situations, fall apart. Many times in the moments that the good things in our lives fall apart, we aren't able to see that eventually things will get better than they are at the moment, we are only able to see the pain that we may be experiencing in the moment.
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Learn To Love Yourself
No matter how you feel about yourself, learn to love yourself the way you are. Stop judging yourself as harshly as you believe society will.
Though there will be times in our lives where we will find it easy to judge ourselves for mistakes we have made, and failure that we encountered, we must remember that our lives have nothing to do with society's judgment of our performances, therefore we should never judge what we do strictly from what society may feel is right. Only we can be accurate judges of the amount of effort that we put into anything.
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Blessings Are Replaced By Blessings
When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.
Just because we aren't blessed with all of the things that we may desire for in our hearts, often times what we are given in place is just as much of a blessing to us, whether it be in disguise or whether it be noticeable. An important lesson that life will teach us if we are willing to listen is that we should be grateful for everything that we have. Not only is this morally correct, but being grateful is also a good tool to help us be aware and to use all of the tools that we have in our lives to eventually make things better.
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Live Every Moment, Laugh Every Day and Love Beyond Words
Live every moment, laugh every day, love beyond words.
In each moment we should make an attempt to make the best out of it, whether it be a situation that is already positive, or whether it be a situation that we need to help spin in a positive light. Live every moment, and remember that eventually the future will be the present.
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Choose To Be Happy
If you are trapped between your feelings and what other people think is right, always go for whatever makes you happy, unless you want everybody to be happy except you.
Being happy is ultimately a decision we must all make in our lifetime. Letting ourselves be confused by what other people want for us to do with our lives, and living out what we know is right in our heart is something that we can't allow. In fact, it is probably most beneficial if we at least create some distance between the people and ourselves in our lives that don't support our dreams.
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You Know My Name, Not My Story
You know my name, not my story.
A lot of times because of our nature, because of our past experiences, and because of what is status quo, we either intentionally or unintentionally judge a person's character when often we only know their name. Judging a person before we truly get to know who they really are, often results in judging a person wrong, which in turn prevents us from getting to know them as we really should because of these judgments.
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Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone
To get something you've never had you have to do something you've never done.
Continuing to do the same things over and over again will more than likely always yield the same results as the times before. In order to reach new heights, you must climb higher than you have ever climbed. In order to see new places, you must travel to lands that you have never ventured to. In order to meet new people you must be willing and open to go meet people that you have never met before.
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What Makes You Different Makes You Beautiful
What makes you different makes you beautiful.
The things that make you different are the things that make you beautiful. There are some very unique traits that every single person in the world has that can't be compared to any other person collectively. Sure, we all have our similarities, but there is no way that two people can say that they are exactly identical.
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