We Only Regret The Chances We Didn't Take
Never knowing what might happen next may be scary for some, but for others it is the only way to live because living a life full of adventure into the unknown, helps to keep a person's life from becoming mundane and meaningless.

If we are to make the most of our lives, we must never let what the best odds may favor, keep us from doing so.

Take the road less traveled, and make your own path to success. We have to be confident in knowing that since we are willing to take risks that we will be blessed immensely for doing so.

Test what flight is, and refuse to go anywhere but higher and farther in life. There are no limits unless you are willing to limit yourself from going the places in life that you want to go. Take some chances, because you never really know what might happen.

Focus On The Journey Not The Destination
Focus on the journey not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it. -Greg Anderson
Life is a journey in which we have to be willing to work on ourselves as each sun rises, and as each sunsets. We all have many different aspects in life, and we have to first find ourselves to know how to best improve our lives because our lives should be something that we improve on a day by day basis.
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Ignore The Risk, And Take The Fall, If It's Meant To Be, It's Worth It All
Ignore the risk, and take the fall, if it's meant to be, it's worth it all.
Those who are great, never search for a sense of security, or a sense of stability. Those who are great know that any sense of security in this world is a false sense because nothing in this world is predictable. We never know if our next breath is going to be our last, and we never know how people will really react to life once it is thrown at them.
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All Our Dreams Can Come True
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
Dreams are never boring. In fact if you take notice to all of the dreams that you have ever had you will note that they all have a few things in common. Just as we have conflict in our dreams in which we are asleep, we will also see much conflict and adversity in going after the dreams we have when we are awake. Just as we won't understand why things seem to not make sense completely in our sleeping dreams, we will also find that things don't make complete sense in the acquisition of our waking dreams.
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Plant Your Own Garden And Decorate Your Own Soul
Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
Standing around and waiting for someone to create and build a dream for us to inherit the profits and rewards of is ludicrous, yet a lot of people think that it just might workout this way. As this quote says, we must develop ourselves personally. Many times some of us find ourselves looking towards other people to tell us what to be, and how to be ourselves. It is impossible to look at someone else to determine how to be yourself, because you will only develop yourself in someone else's image by doing that.
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Instead Of Focusing On All The Bad, Be Thankful For All The Good
Instead of focusing on all the bad, be thankful for all the good. Each day you have is a blessing from God. Enjoy Life.
Take a moment out to smell the roses, even if you think roses stink. Have you ever stopped to wonder how great life is? Especially even if you are down and out, take a moment to think about how great it is that you are even alive. The gift of life is miraculous in itself because not everyone was able to wake up today.
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Accept No One's Definition Of Your Life
Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself.
Being yourself doesn't require approval from any party except yourself. When we allow others to dictate what we believe and who we are, we will never see happiness for ourselves. To be happy we have to be constantly growing as who we are at our core. It is impossible to grow if we allow others to think for us, because we won't have control or say in anything or anywhere that we want to go.
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Have The Courage To Follow Your Heart And Intuition
Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. -Steve Jobs
Many of us get confused with the fact that what we do on daily basis isn't always entirely representative of who we are on the inside, and though our daily jobs may be jobs that do make a difference in the world, if we aren't utilizing everything that God has given us then we are not making the biggest impact on this world that we possibly can.
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Think Of Yourself As Becoming The Person You Want To Be
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be.
If you ever want to be more than what you are right now you have to start thinking of yourself as the person that you want to become. If you continue to do the same things on a daily basis that you do now that help to keep you who you are now, you will never be anything more than that person. Rather than live a life full of monotony, embrace change, embrace taking risks, and embrace being the person that you know you can be.
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Do Whatever Makes You Happy And Be With Whoever Makes You Smile
Life only comes around once, so do whatever makes you happy, and be with whoever makes you smile.
If something that you are doing in life makes you happy, then it is best that you stick to it. There are too many times that we only concern ourselves that will give us status in society and forget about the things in life that are truly important. In everything that we do we must thoroughly examine our own motives for doing so. Life is never easy, and deciding to do the right thing is made hard when we are able to closely see the seemingly swell results of committing acts in our lives that aren't for us to commit.
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Working Together Is Success
Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.
We have to remember that a team is there to help us to get to places that we may not have otherwise seen without using a team. As a single individual, the sky is the limit, but with the right team, there are no limits.
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