You Were Born An Original Don't Die A Copy
If we want to be the best we have to be willing to be who we are while we live out our lives. Anyone can be number one, but not everybody can be number one without sacrificing who they really are on the inside.

It is up to us to stick with being who we truly are on the inside. We have to have a high amount of confidence in who we believe we are to even proceed through life as ourselves. Being unique doesnt come without its bad either. Many people will base their judgment of you around the worlds set of standards, and will try to make you feel less than you should when it seems that you dont stack up to these standards.

Never let anyone make you feel uncomfortable for being who you are. Enjoy life, be great at it, but most of all, be yourself!
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Worry Is A Total Waste Of Time
Worry is a total waste of time, it doesn't change anything. All it does is steal your joy and keep you very busy doing nothing.
For a person to live their life without worry, they have to be totally committed to living their life without stressing over the basic parts of life. To avoid worry in our lives we have to make a conscious effort to first, stop thinking negatively when something has the potential to go wrong.

Instead of allowing negative thoughts to form in your mind and instead of vocalizing these negative thoughts after a while, we have to know to immediately replace any negative thought that we here in our mind with a positive one.

Another helpful trick to avoid the fear we introduce to our own lives by worrying is to be committed to prayer and meditation. When your spirit is still, and when you have something that you believe in with all of your heart, the need for worry in your life will diminish immensely, and almost indefinitely as long as you continue to hope and believe!
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We Were Born To Be Real Not To Be Perfect
We were born to be real not to be perfect.
Great people from all over all know that it takes being the real you to be great, not being perfect. If you ever want to achieve a sense of fulfillment in your life you have to be willing to admit that you can never be perfect. Many people mistakenly choose to try and follow some sort of magical train to perfection that will never exist, because being perfect means that you are willing to be judged by someone's standards other than your own in some shape or form.
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When People Hurt You Think Of Them Like Sand Paper
When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sand paper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless.
Bullying is one of the biggest atrocities that man continues to commit. In many societies bullying is only seen as a problem that lies in school age kids, but in actuality bullying is a huge part of everyday life if we just choose to look around. Bullies are everywhere, because people who refuse to respect other people are everywhere.
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Ignore The Risk, And Take The Fall
Ignore the risk, and take the fall, if it's meant to be, it's worth it all.
Everyone comes to points in their lives where they are faced with making the decision of taking a risk. For some this risk may be switching jobs, or starting a business. For others this risk may be entering a new relationship or even getting married.
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Some People Are Meant To Fall In Love With Each Other, But Not Meant To Be
Some people are meant to fall in love with each other, but not meant to be together.
In relationships sometimes we get so acquainted with and so use to dealing with the wrong people that we choose to overlook the fact that they probably aren't the right person for us to be with. Just because someone has our heart doesn't exactly mean that they are the right person for our lives.
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We Must Learn To Live Together As Brothers Or Perish Together As Fools
We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
If we never learn to live together and flourish together, chances are we will definitely learn how to simply, die together. Though we all look different, and though everyone has been uniquely made, one thing that we really need as a society is to come together and love each other or risk becoming even further apart as a people than we already are. Many of us share different beliefs, and value different things in various ways, but these are never reasons good enough to be hateful towards one another.
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Live As If You Were To Die Tomorrow
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
Stop delaying and procrastinating with making the moves that you desire to make in your life. Tomorrow is never promised. Just because it may seem that things may be easier to put off than to deal with presently, doesn't mean that you should. Live each day with a vigorous passion. A passion that doesn't fizzle away and dissipate when you hit a roadblock.
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Some Of The Most Poisonous People Come Disguised As Friends And Family
Some of the most poisonous people come disguised as friends and family.
Though in life we grow close to certain people growing up including people who we have known to be friends and family, many times we have to be willing to give more distance between them and ourselves. Sometimes friends and family are some of the worst people we can ever be around. Finally recognizing this we are faced with many mental and emotional dilemmas.
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Your Smile Itself Is A Reason For Others To Smile Too
Always smile. Life isn't always full of reasons to smile, but your smile itself is a reason for others to smile too.
Sometimes the hardest thing to do is smile. We all have rough days, and we all go through experiences in life that we honestly wish we didn't have to. But it is only when we are able to take a second, and smile about the blessings we have in life that we realize how important it is to just smile.
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A Relationship Should Be Between Two People Not The Whole World!
A Relationship Should Be Between Two People Not The Whole World!
In this age of social media, internet dating, picture messaging, and other high tech forms of communication, couples are easily losing their relationships inside of these communities. One main responsibility that we all must take seriously in a relationship with someone is to keep what needs to remain private, private. So many people are willing to highlight every argument that they have with their significant other these days, and this allows for temptation to creep in through the back door very easily.
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Apr 27
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